Amblyopia Treatment Success Rate Drops with Age: Importance of Early Detection and Treatment

Amblyopia Treatment Success Rate Drops with Age: Importance of Early Detection and Treatment

The success rate for treatment at 4-year-olds drops from 95% to 23% at 8-year-olds… Requires periodic eye examinations There is a saying, ‘Only when you lose your health do you realize the value of it.’ It means that there is nothing more precious than living a happy and healthy life. We introduce useful health information … Read more

Understanding and Treating Pediatric Strabismus: Essential Information for Parents and Caregivers

Understanding and Treating Pediatric Strabismus: Essential Information for Parents and Caregivers

Money Today Reporter Park Jeong-ryeol | 2024.01.18 16:31 [박정렬의 신의료인] There is a proverb that goes, “If a body is worth a thousand nyang, an eye is worth 900.” Most of the information the brain receives comes through the eyes, but eye health is something that is easily overlooked. In particular, it is difficult for … Read more

The Efficacy and Benefits of Gentian: Exploring the Medical Uses of a Bitter Herbal Remedy

The Efficacy and Benefits of Gentian: Exploring the Medical Uses of a Bitter Herbal Remedy

Dr. Han Dong-ha of Oriental Medicine (Director of Han Dong-ha Oriental Medical Clinic) In the fields, you can easily see grass with pretty purple flowers. Even if it is not a field, it is often decorated in early fall bouquets. It is a gentian flower. The flower language of gentian flowers is ‘sorrow’. However, Gentian … Read more

Understanding Eye Twitching: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

Understanding Eye Twitching: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

Key Point : Many people believe that eye twitching is a superstitious warning sign. Or as we often say, ‘right is bad, left is good’, but in fact, medically, eyelid twitching is a condition in which the muscles around the eyelid contract. It can occur and disappears on its own. However, if symptoms are severe, … Read more

Preventing Blindness in Weertenaar with the Help of Experimental Therapy

In daily life, there are things Knowledge has to take into account because of his eye disease. “Especially in the evenings and in the winter when it gets dark earlier, but I can still live independently, do my job 100 percent, do sports and travel.” De Weertenaar would still be allowed to drive a car … Read more

Do not underestimate the appearance of black spots in front of your eyes! Which types of people are prone to this situation and how to prevent it? | Floaters | Cataracts | Eye Diseases | Causes | Symptoms |

[Voice of Hope March 8, 2023](Editor: Zhao Zixin) When some friends look at things, they find that there are some small black spots in the field of vision, or some cotton-like objects floating with the field of vision. When the eyeballs are turned, these speckled objects will move, and when they want to see the … Read more

Reinforce your immune procedure, consume this food items!

Pixar Bay – ‘Immunity’ is a beneficial ‘barrier’ that protects the body’s organs from external viruses. What form of meals do you have to have to strengthen your immunity through the improve of seasons when your immunity is lower? Initial of all, ▲ turmeric, the major ingredient in curry, offers exceptional health and fitness advantages … Read more

Can you say “the hour of loss of life” by seeking at the eyes?

Pixar Bay – Our eyes are organs like “indicators” that advise us of a variety of irregular signals in the overall body. There are lots of health conditions that can be predicted by looking at the eyes: for example, if the whites of the eyes change yellow and cloudy, it is probable to suspect that … Read more