Soraya, TVE’s spokesperson at Eurovision, renounces displaying the flag of Extremadura because “it is the same” as that of Palestine

Soraya, TVE’s spokesperson at Eurovision, renounces displaying the flag of Extremadura because “it is the same” as that of Palestine

Soraya Arnelas debuted last night on TVE as spokesperson for the Spanish delegation at Eurovision. She was in charge of announcing the jury’s votes in the final of the festival, replacing Ruth Lorenzo, who was spokesperson in the last edition. The artist’s debut came in the most controversial edition of the festival in memory, with … Read more

MOTHER’S DAY | Congratulations from Extremaduran politicians on Mother’s Day

MOTHER’S DAY |  Congratulations from Extremaduran politicians on Mother’s Day

The first Sunday in May is an appointment marked on the calendar. It is celebrated on Mother’s Day, a festival of ancient origin that dates back to Egyptian civilization. Although commercial chains and marketing have taken advantage of the date to do business, as happens with Father’s Day, the anniversary has not lost its meaning … Read more

Extremadura Patients Urged to Seek Allergology Referral for Potential Vaccine Cure: Expert Advice

Extremadura Patients Urged to Seek Allergology Referral for Potential Vaccine Cure: Expert Advice

«Patients must be referred to Allergology so that we can cure them with the vaccine»EP ASK: Extremadura will be the region with the highest pollen concentration this year, is this usual? ANSWER: Yes. Here we normally mark the maximum grass pollen counts in Spain, both in the springs that are more intense and those that … Read more

Extremadura Health Service Administers Nearly 6,000 Vaccine Doses in One Week – Plans for Evening Walk-in Campaign

Extremadura Health Service Administers Nearly 6,000 Vaccine Doses in One Week – Plans for Evening Walk-in Campaign

The Extremadura Health Service (SES) has given 5,923 doses of vaccine in one week to prevent flu and covidduring the extraordinary vaccination campaign enabled in the afternoon shift. Specifically, 3,043 injections have been inoculated against flu and 2,880 against covid. The data has been classified by the Ministry of Health as a “success” and for … Read more

Spain’s Extremadura Health Service Urges Increase in Flu and COVID-19 Vaccination Rates

Spain’s Extremadura Health Service Urges Increase in Flu and COVID-19 Vaccination Rates

The Extremadura Health Service (SES) has called for vaccination against flu and against covid-19, when the incidence of acute respiratory diseases continues to rise, since the percentage of vaccination in people over 60 years of age is at 53.95% and 40%, respectively, below what was desired, according to the data provided to EFE. The objectives … Read more

Low Flu Vaccination Rates for Children Under 5 Years in Extremadura: Potential Causes and Impact

Low Flu Vaccination Rates for Children Under 5 Years in Extremadura: Potential Causes and Impact

Flu vaccination does not fully penetrate among children under 5 years of age, who are being immunized for the first time in Extremadura against this respiratory virus. According to the latest data from the Ministry of Health, Only 30% of families have decided to vaccinate their sons or daughters between six months and five years … Read more

Extremadura Invests 1.9 Million Euros in HPV Vaccines: What You Need to Know

Extremadura Invests 1.9 Million Euros in HPV Vaccines: What You Need to Know

Health will invest 1.9 million euros in the acquisition of 42,712 more vaccines against the Human Papillomavirus (HPV). They will serve pto guarantee the protection of minors for the next two years. There are two doses and The vaccination schedule includes it at age 12, in the pediatric check-up of that age and in which … Read more

Understanding Bluetongue Disease in Spanish Livestock: Vaccination Measures, Impact, and Management amid Climate Change

Understanding Bluetongue Disease in Spanish Livestock: Vaccination Measures, Impact, and Management amid Climate Change

What is known as bluetongue, which occurs mainly in sheep, is a disease that livestock farmers in Spain have been living with (and suffering from) for decades. It could be similar, for example, to human flu, although in the case of bluetongue it is transmitted by a mosquito, so cases can appear especially when the … Read more

Bluetongue Disease in Livestock: Prevention and Vaccination Measures in Spain

Bluetongue Disease in Livestock: Prevention and Vaccination Measures in Spain

What is known as bluetongue, which occurs mainly in sheep, is a disease that livestock farmers in Spain have been living with (and suffering from) for decades. It could be similar, for example, to human flu, although in the case of bluetongue it is transmitted by a mosquito, so cases can appear especially when the … Read more

Flu Campaign: Vaccination Strategy and Purchase Details for 2022 Season

Flu Campaign: Vaccination Strategy and Purchase Details for 2022 Season

The forecast is that the flu campaign will also begin this year in October so that the population is vaccinated in the months in which the peak of flu infections reaches its peak, usually in the months of December and January. . For this, the Ministry of Health has already acquired the necessary doses. In … Read more