Keep Toddlers Away from the New Subvariant of COVID-19, Is It Enough to Meet Their Nutrition?

Keep Toddlers Away from the New Subvariant of COVID-19, Is It Enough to Meet Their Nutrition?

General Chairperson of the Central Executive Board of the Indonesian Pediatrician Association (PP IDAI), Dr. Piprim Basarah Yanuarso, SpAK revealed that there was an increase in cases of Multisystem Inflammatory System in Children (MIS-C) in Indonesia. “The latest data shows an increase in COVID-19 cases in infants and children who need treatment,” said Piprim in … Read more

Vaccination Causes Variant Mutation of Covid-19

Vaccination Causes Variant Mutation of Covid-19

There is a lot of information circulating on social media that vaccines Covid-19 useless. They think they can mutate into thousands of new Covid-19 viruses. The information also states that the vaccine is specific. This means that it is only effective against certain types of Covid-19 virus. If the virus has mutated, the antibodies formed … Read more

New Study Finds First Case of COVID-19 Transmission from Deer to Humans

New Study Finds First Case of COVID-19 Transmission from Deer to Humans

Jakarta – The first potential case of deer transmitting the novel coronavirus to humans was reported in Canada. Researchers identify genome cluster SARS-CoV-2Corona virus causes COVID–19 mutated in the white-tailed deer. This study underscores the potential of deer to act as an animal reservoir for viruses. The team of scientists analyzed 300 samples collected in … Read more

The journey to the Covid-19 endemic is not as simple as many people think

The journey to the Covid-19 endemic is not as simple as many people think

The Covid-19 endemic does not mean ‘back to normal’. REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Everyone expects the Covid-19 pandemic to end up being endemic. Some parties consider the sign of the final phase of the pandemic to be in sight following the emergence of varian omicron which is said to make SARS-CoV-2 more contagious but only causes … Read more

Expert: Corona Virus Can Attack the Digestive Tract

Expert: Corona Virus Can Attack the Digestive Tract

Although primarily a respiratory attack, the corona virus can also irritate the digestive tract. REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SLEMAN — Professor of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FKH) Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Prof Wasito said, SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19, will continue to mutate. This process then gives rise to new variants such as delta and omicron. … Read more

China Warns of Dangerous New Virus from Wild Animals, New Corona Variant? – Healthy

China Warns of Dangerous New Virus from Wild Animals, New Corona Variant?  – Healthy

Today Pkl. 07:46 WIB • Viewed 75 times • Experts in China recently warned of the possibility of the emergence of the new coronavirus from wild animals. The spread of COVID-19 infection in many different animal species triggers the potential for mutations, the emergence of more dangerous variants. – – “A number of … Read more

Experts are worried about the emergence of a combination of variants of the Corona virus, this is the risk

Experts are worried about the emergence of a combination of variants of the Corona virus, this is the risk – British government scientists warn that mutations corona virus Covid-19 that cause severe illness can occur when the combination of two varian virus corona infect one person. Currently, experts claim to be more worried about the emergence of a dangerous variant of the corona virus, thus further prolonging the Covid-19 corona virus pandemic. There … Read more

Duh! Wuhan Virus Experts Say New Variants Of Corona Will Continue To Appear

Duh!  Wuhan Virus Experts Say New Variants Of Corona Will Continue To Appear – Currently the covid-19 virus continues to mutate, and one of the most contagious is varian Delta. It seems that we must be prepared to continue to deal with this viral mutation in the future. Shi Zhengli, a virologist from the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) who is also dubbed China’s “bat woman,” said … Read more

Covid-19 Mutations Affect Human Behavior

Covid-19 Mutations Affect Human Behavior

Viruses mutate to adapt to the human condition. REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Mutations new type of corona virus The cause of Covid-19 is influenced by the behavior and condition of humans as the host. The regulation of human life is therefore expected to suppress the Covid-19 virus mutating. “The mutation will affect it, it (the virus) … Read more

Epidemiologist Says Human Condition Affects Corona Virus Mutation

Epidemiologist Says Human Condition Affects Corona Virus Mutation

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Epidemiologist from the University of Indonesia, Tri Yunis Miko Wahyono, said Corona virus mutation The new type that causes COVID-19 is influenced by the behavior and condition of humans as hosts. He said the more infections, the more potential viral mutation also big happening. To avoid mutations, it is necessary to control … Read more