Key Points:
Research from the Netherlands reveals that “running” can relieve symptoms of depression and anxiety. It is as effective as using anti-depressants. Currently, the use of antidepressants affects the long-term health of patients. So the research team looked for other ways. That helps treat depression without using drugs. To reduce those side effects Although running can help reduce symptoms of “depression” according to research results. But it may not be suitable for every patient. Because there are many levels of depression. From mild to severe symptoms For depressed patients with very severe symptoms However, you must use medicine.
I’m not saying just leave.”run“Then you will recover fromdepressionYes, only researchers from the field of psychiatric epidemiology of the Free University of Amsterdam (Vrije University), Netherlands Want to find the answer? Are there other ways to treat depression and anxiety besides medication? which the answer is “Running exercise”
The research was published at the European College of NeuroPsychopharmacology (ECNP) annual conference on October 7-10, 2023, and was previously published in the Journal of Affective Disorders. early in 2023 as well
It was the first time in the psychiatric field that running was found to be as effective as antidepressants.
Professor Brenda Pennince, professor of psychiatric epidemiology at Vrije University, co-author of the study, said: Prevalence of depression patients And anxiety in today’s era has increased. And the use of antidepressants affects the long-term health of patients. The research team therefore looked for the best way to mitigate these effects.
This research is the first of its kind in psychology. A comparative study between the results of using “Anti-depressants (Escitalopram)” and “jogging” in reducing anxiety. Reduce depression It also has a positive effect on the overall health of the patient.
“As you know, If you are depressed and do not seek treatment, it will lead to worse outcomes. Therefore, antidepressants are a good, safe, and effective option. However, we need to expand our knowledge of new treatments because some patients do not respond to antidepressants. or unwilling to receive those drugs,” Professor Brenda said.
For the steps in the experiment The research team conducted an experiment with a group of depressed patients. Anxiety disorder patients or both, a total of 141 patients for a period of 16 weeks were divided into the first group to take antidepressants. The second group received no medication, but were asked to run for 45 minutes 2-3 times a week with close supervision.
Treating depressed patients with exercise is more officially recognized
The results of the experiment showed that 44% of participants in both groups had improved symptoms. Less depression or anxiety The research team concluded that medication and running were equally effective in treating the disease. In addition, in the group of experimenters who were given jogging. They also found that they lost weight, lost waist size and had better blood pressure and heart health. Meanwhile, the group using antidepressants did not have these benefits.
Carmel Choi, a clinical psychologist and assistant professor of psychology at Harvard Medical School in Boston (who was not involved in the research), commented on the research: It is well known that exercise can be a real help in treating mental illness. and is more officially accepted in medicine The doctor will have the patient exercise along with psychotherapy or medication.
“In this case, exercise proved just as beneficial. with the use of antidepressants With fewer side effects and is more beneficial to physical health,” the psychologist commented.
“Running” therapy may not be suitable for all depressed patients!
Meanwhile Jogging to relieve symptoms of depression May not be suitable for every patient. Because there are many levels of depression. From mild to very severe And each patient has a different level of illness. Therefore, in the group of depressed patients with severe symptoms You should use medication. Do not miss medication, but you can exercise along with it without any side effects to the treatment.
Ben Singh, Allied Health Researcher from the University of South Australia (not involved in the research) reflected another opinion that There are still some gaps in this research. In other words, the results still do not provide a clear answer as to which treatment is the best option? This is because the level of depressive symptoms of each patient is not the same. But most studies tend to focus on “Mild depression” because it is safer in studies
“People with severe depression are often accompanied by more severe symptoms, such as extreme sadness. constant hopelessness Have thoughts of suicide or the inability to work or live daily life This requires close treatment with a doctor,” Singh said.
In addition, Associate Professor Parco Su, professor of kinesiology from the University of Hong Kong (not involved in the research) expressed the same opinion that There is not much study of other studies. That clearly indicates the treatment of severe depression with exercise. For those with severe depression Exercise alone is not enough.
Treatment of individual depressed patients Be specific Can’t use the same treatment methods!
In summary, Even though research results have shown that runningHelps reduce symptomsDepressedIt is true according to research results, but it may be effective only for groups of patients with mild symptoms. For patients with severe symptoms, they must use medication and exercise. and received treatment by a doctor
Asst. Prof. Felipe Barreto Cuch, Lecturer in Psychiatry and Mental Health from the Federal University of Santa Maria, Brazil, explains that it is unreasonable to ask patients to choose only one treatment for depression. In general, taking anti-depressants And exercise does not increase any risk for the patient. Patients can receive both treatment methods simultaneously.
Professor Felipe also said that for people with severe depression. and was admitted to that hospital In addition to using medicine to treat Exercise is another option that can be used for joint treatment. But there are still limitations. In a comparative study of exercise and use of medications for treating depression It is not yet known exactly how much exercise is required. To replace the use of medicine
However, many psychiatrists and experts still emphasize the important point that Each patient’s method of treating depression is different. Although exercise can be a treatment option for depression instead of medication, But the important thing to know is that “Nothing works for every patient,” so patients must talk openly with their psychiatrist or psychotherapist. This will allow the doctor to evaluate your specific symptoms. and help you make informed decisions about the most appropriate treatment method.
If you’re trying to relieve depression through exercise alone, You should also be aware that Results will vary from person to person. It cannot be confirmed that jogging will help all patients recover from depression.
refer: CNN
Proofreading….Suree Silawong
2023-10-20 11:32:00
#run #helps #reduce #symptoms #depression #anxiety #medication