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The Impact of Junk Food Containing Sugar on Exercise Effectiveness

Junk food containing sugar reduces exercise effectiveness

Entered 2023.11.07 13:00 Views 173 Entered 2023.11.07 13:00 Modified 2023.11.07 13:08 Views 173

Foods high in sugar make people tired quickly, making them feel tired and unmotivated. [사진= 게티이미지뱅크]Is it good to eat before leaving the house to exercise? Is an empty stomach good? If you eat food, what kind is good?

The American daily newspaperUSA TODAY’ cited experts’ opinions and reported that increasing and maintaining energy levels through proper nutrition helps increase exercise effectiveness.

Whether it’s light exercise or a few hours of iron-fueled exercise, food and drink play an important role in the quality of your workout. First of all, you can avoid the risk of dehydration and electrolyte depletion. However, if you eat too much food or the wrong food, you will feel sluggish and it will actually hinder your exercise.

Consuming a lot of sugar before actual exercise can give you a sharp surge in energy, but can also cause your blood sugar levels to plummet. On the other hand, eating the right foods can help you achieve the right level of strength and energy that can last you during and after exercise. “Eating a variety of foods provides a variety of vitamins and minerals, which helps the body perform at its best,” said Natalie Allen, MD, clinical associate professor and athletic team nutritionist at Missouri State University.

Dr. Allen advised, “Before exercise, it is a good idea to consume enough carbohydrates to fill your body’s fuel tank.” He also said that if you’re snacking right before exercise, concentrated carbohydrate foods like crackers or a piece of fruit are good choices.

“If you’re eating a few hours before exercise, you should choose more complete options to maintain energy levels,” he says. “An athlete’s diet is typically one-third protein/meat and one-third rice and bread. , starchy carbohydrates such as corn, potatoes or pasta, one-third should be divided into one-third fruits and vegetables,” he said.

“Banana, mango or berry smoothies and crackers are good pre-workout snacks,” said Sue-Ellen Anderson-Haines, a registered dietitian. “Apple sauce and pretzels, sliced ​​beets and hummus or jam on toast are also good options.” “It’s good,” he said. “Eating these carbohydrates is one of the best ways to provide the burst of energy you need during exercise,” he explains.

Avoiding the wrong foods is as important as eating the right foods. Dr. Allen pointed out, “Eating in a proven way can improve exercise effectiveness, but on the other hand, incorrect nutrition can ruin exercise.”

Foods to avoid include spicy or greasy foods that can cause heartburn, as well as all foods that fall into the junk food category, such as soda, cookies, cakes, fast food, and candy. “Sugar tires you out quickly, leaving you tired and unmotivated,” said Dr. Caroline Suzy, a registered dietitian.

2023-11-07 04:01:02

#eat #sweets #exercise.. #wont #good #dont #exercise

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