Understanding Sarcopenia: Detection and Prevention with Nutrition and Exercise

Understanding Sarcopenia: Detection and Prevention with Nutrition and Exercise

2023-11-02 10:13:01 Yang Tingyi, nutritionist of the Good Food Class, having an elder in the family is like having a treasure, but as the elders grow older, their physical activity decreases, and dental and oral problems lead to a decrease in appetite. More or less An elder in a family is like a treasure. However, … Read more

Detection, Evaluation, and Diagnosis of Sarcopenia in Elderly Individuals: Understanding the Impact on Muscle Strength and Function

Elders often choke when drinking water, fearing that “sarcopenia” may come to your door! 2Simple detection, evaluation and diagnosis With age or other causes, such as chronic diseases such as diabetes, muscle mass may decrease and “sarcopenia” may occur, resulting in decreased muscle strength, limited mobility, and even disability. Physicians reminded that in fact, “sarcopenia” … Read more

“3 Quick Self-Detection Tests for Sarcopenia: A Comprehensive Guide”

Physicians said that the loss of muscle mass has a great impact on health, not only prone to falls and fractures, but also prone to cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis and increased risk of disability; the picture shows the situation. (picture taken from shutterstock) [Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]As we grow older, sarcopenia is getting more and more attention, … Read more

The Importance of Lifestyle Changes When Taking GLP-1 Medications for Weight Loss: Preventing Muscle and Bone Loss

GLP-1 medications like Ozempic and Wegovy can help individuals quickly shed unwanted pounds. However, without the proper lifestyle changes, such as increased protein intake and resistance training, rapid weight loss from these medications can result in decreased muscle mass, reduced bone density, and a lower resting metabolic rate – leading to sarcopenia. Sarcopenia is typically … Read more

“80% of Elderly in Taiwan Face Serious Health Risks: Lack of Exercise May Reduce Life Expectancy by 10 Years”

Nearly 80% of the elderly have sarcopenia or osteoporosis. The doctor warns that they may lose 10 years of life! The Department of Health of the Ministry of Health and Welfare has found that the risk factors for the top ten causes of death in Taiwan are all related to inactivity. Rehabilitation physician Li Wei … Read more

Thick Calf Circumference Linked to Lower Cardiovascular Risk in Elderly: Study Reveals Risks of Thinning Calves with Botox for Women

A study pointed out that, regardless of men and women, the thicker the calf circumference of people over the age of 65, the lower the cardiovascular risk. (Schematic/Shutterstock) According to statistics, the prevalence rate of sarcopenia in Taiwan is about 20-25%, and sarcopenia is closely related to chronic diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. … Read more

Health Net “Prevention of Sarcopenia Dietitian: Eat Leucine Foods Quickly-Free Health Net

Nutritionists said that if the cause of sarcopenia is malnutrition, it is necessary to actively supplement the required nutrients, such as leucine foods, such as eggs, beans, fish, and meat, which can promote muscle growth and enhance sports performance. (picture taken from freepik) [Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]According to statistics from the National Health Administration, the prevalence … Read more

“Health Network” In winter, the National Health Department promotes “these 3 ways” to integrate vitamin D from the diet – LOHAS Diet – Free Health Network

According to the National Health Administration, salmon contains 11 micrograms of vitamin D per 100 grams (about 1/4 of a piece), which is more than double the daily requirement, so you can usually fry 1 piece of salmon at home, sharing it with the whole family and supplement vitamin D together. (photo taken from pixels) … Read more

Health Net” Sarcopenia is the killer of disability in the elderly! Medicine teaches eating and moving in 4 steps – Silver Hair World – Free Health Network

The doctor said the best way to get vitamin D is to bask in the sun. Sunshine for 15 minutes a day can replenish vitamin D, slow muscle loss and maintain bone health, the picture shows the situation. (The photo is taken from fotoAC) [Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]Sarcopenia not only causes a decrease in muscle strength, … Read more

To prevent “post-coronavirus sarcopenia”, you need to integrate 2 main nutrients! Dietitian: identify 5 common symptoms of sarcopenia

After the new coronal pneumonia epidemic, the weight suddenly dropped dramatically and thinned, and the grip strength and walking speed of the hands significantly worsened. Beware, it could be “post-coronavirus sarcopenia”! A nutritionist reminds you to pay attention to the 5 signs of sarcopenia and to take 2 macronutrients, as well as a 1-minute self-examination, … Read more