Do not go away it to your cellphone … habits that may enhance your kid’s psychological well being through the summer season holidays

Do not go away it to your cellphone … habits that may enhance your kid’s psychological well being through the summer season holidays

Written by Marwa Mahmoud Elias Saturday, June 22, 2024 06:00 PM With the start summer season trip For a lot of ranges of training, you have to arrange your kid’s time and enhance his psychological well being. ranges of training, asking mother and father to supply some. recommendation, steering, and actions for youngsters so that … Read more

Research: Placebo remedy reduces some psychological problems

Research: Placebo remedy reduces some psychological problems

Dubai, United Arab Emirates (CNN) – When making an attempt to deal with the signs of problems Psychological well beingThe identical perception that you can be helped may be an necessary issue. Signs of 9 psychological well being problems improved considerably when given a placebo, in response to a brand new evaluation of 90 randomized … Read more

Vitamin D Deficiency and Mental Health: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

Vitamin D Deficiency and Mental Health: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

Dubai United Arab Emirates (CNN)– Vitamin D has antioxidant properties and promotes brain compression. The body gets the necessary amount of vitamin D from certain types of foods. and nutritional supplements rich in vitamin D, Through exposure to sunlight or ultraviolet rays. Vitamin D strengthens the absorption of calcium in the stomach, and maintains the … Read more

How to calm your mind with Socratic questioning: Tips from experts in cognitive behavioral therapy

How to calm your mind with Socratic questioning: Tips from experts in cognitive behavioral therapy

Dubai, United Arab Emirates (CNN) – Is it invading your mind? Irrational thoughts Sometimes, it makes you feel anxious, or like you’re about to have a panic attack perhaps? A series of questions that you may ask yourself that examine the legitimacy and perspective of those disturbing thoughts may calm your stress. This process is … Read more

The Impact of the Love of Money on Mental and Physical Health: A Recent Medical Study

The Impact of the Love of Money on Mental and Physical Health: A Recent Medical Study

The “Sustainable Health” program hosts Dr. Radwa Farghaly, a specialist in psychological illness and marital relations, opened the file on the love of money and the extent of its impact on human relationships. A recent medical study: The love of money may lead to health problems One British medical study indicated that it was found … Read more

The Surprising Benefits of Being Late: Study Shows People Who Are Tardy Live Longer and Happier Lives

The Surprising Benefits of Being Late: Study Shows People Who Are Tardy Live Longer and Happier Lives

The “Sustainable Health” program hosts Dr. Radwa Farghali, a specialist in psychological illness and marital relations, to open the file of time and the best ways to manage it. Study: People who are late for their appointments live longer and better lives A recent study conducted by researchers at Harvard University revealed a positive side … Read more

The Impact of Wildfires on Psychological Health: New Study Reveals Disturbing Trends and Calls for Action

The Impact of Wildfires on Psychological Health: New Study Reveals Disturbing Trends and Calls for Action

Dubai, United Arab Emirates (CNN) – The results of a new study indicate that public health leaders trying to help people fleeing… Forest fires Immense in the Texas Panhandle region of Texas, they should pay close attention toPsychological health of the population, and their physical safety. Wildfires pose an obvious direct threat to physical health, … Read more

Senate Health Committee Discusses Proposal for Hospital Support in Mit Siraj Village, Menoufia

Senate Health Committee Discusses Proposal for Hospital Support in Mit Siraj Village, Menoufia

Written by Mahmoud Hussein Sunday, March 3, 2024 08:00 PM The Senate Health and Population Committee held a meeting, chaired by Representative Dr. Ali Mahran, Chairman of the Committee, to discuss the proposal submitted by Representative Osama Fahim, regarding: “Providing financial support, supplies, and equipment for the hospital in the village of Mit Siraj Quwaisna, … Read more

The Impact of Parental Overvaluation on Children’s Narcissism Levels Revealed in Recent Study

The Impact of Parental Overvaluation on Children’s Narcissism Levels Revealed in Recent Study

The “Sustainable Health” program hosts clinical psychologist and psychotherapist Yara Basibis, to open the file of an only child and the best ways to raise him. A recent study says that parents are the ones who foster narcissism in their children Researchers at Ohio State University concluded after a study they conducted that was published … Read more

Rising Antidepressant Prescriptions Among Young People in Dubai During and After Covid-19 Pandemic

Rising Antidepressant Prescriptions Among Young People in Dubai During and After Covid-19 Pandemic

Dubai, United Arab Emirates (CNN) – Many young people reported deterioration Their mental health During and after the Covid-19 pandemic. Their experiences were confirmed by a new study that found that the rate of prescribing… Antidepressants For this group it also rose during the same period. The number of young people between the ages of … Read more