SOURCES – Orban team accuses Cîțu camp of grossly inflating the number of prime minister’s supporters – News by sources

Members of the team of supporters of the PNL leader Ludovic Orban declared, on Friday evening, for ȘTIRIPESURSE.RO, that the information launched by Cîțu’s camp about the prime minister’s supporters contains many inaccuracies. While the prime minister’s team claims that it has 7 out of 10 MEPs, sources in Orban’s camp say that a maximum … Read more

Dan Barna blames Gabriela Firea for the rat crisis in Bucharest: ‘The company founded by Gabriela Firea does not deratize’ – News by sources

Deputy Prime Minister Dan Barna says that responsible for the situation created in Bucharest, where rats walk the streets, is one of the municipal companies set up by former mayor Gabriela Firea, a company that the deputy prime minister claims is “almost non-existent”, reports. “Nicuşor Dan has a project with which he ran, a … Read more

Coalition shakes seriously – POLITICAL WAR and in Sector 2, after the scandal in Sector 1: PNL accuses USR PLUS of blackmail – News by sources

There is also a political war in Sector 2, between PNL and USR PLUS, after the one in Sector 1. The Penelists accuse the mayor Radu Mihaiu and his party colleagues of blackmail. “In September 2020, the National Liberal Party chose a partnership for the benefit of Romanians, a partnership that we, PNL, considered honest. … Read more

Soap opera in PNL, with Ciucu in the main role: ‘Mr. Ludovic Orban. Dear Ludovic, do you know anything? I really believe you! ‘ – News by sources

The situation in PNL, before the internal elections in the Bucharest municipal branch, tends to take a comic turn. After which accused the Orban camp of publishing false information about him in the press, Ciprian Ciucu, the candidate of the Cîțu camp for the presidency of PNL Bucharest, reveals that he was called by Ludovic … Read more

Presidential. Stéphane Le Foll calls for a PS primary

The mayor PS of Mans, Stéphane Le Foll, demanded this Thursday the organization of a primary within the Socialist Party to choose a candidate for the presidential election of 2022, refusing to line up behind Anne Hidalgo and criticizing the lack of debate in the party. We cannot prepare for a presidential election without there … Read more

Lucian Bode announces that PNL won Şimleu Silvaniei City Hall: The youngest mayor of the city takes the place of the DNA chief’s cousin, definitively convicted – News by sources

The president of PNL Sălaj, Lucian Bode, greeted, on Sunday, in a post on a social network, the election of the liberal Cristian Lazăr as Şimleu Silvaniei, specifying that he is the youngest mayor in Romania. “Şimleu Silvaniei chose well this time too! He chose Viitorul! The victory of the young liberal Cristian Lazăr in … Read more

Clotilde Armand deals with the real problems in Sector 1: The clothing of local police officers – News by sources

A local Sector 1 police officer complained to his bosses that he was forced to wear a work uniform. Mayor of Sector 1, Clotilde Armand, transmitted that “fashion issues are not the responsibility of the Sector 1 Police”. “A few days ago, I discussed with the management of the Local Police Sector 1 to convey … Read more

Covid-19. Saliva tests launched in preschools and primary schools in Normandy

The saliva test campaign begins Monday March 8, 2021 in kindergartens and primary schools in Normandy. It will gain momentum over the weeks. The stake: to stop the progression of the virus which circulates more and more in the region. The prefect of Seine-Maritime, the rector and the director of the Regional Health Agency will … Read more

[속보] Busan Mayor Democratic Party Competition, Kim Young-chun ranked first with 67.74%

<!– 뉴스 –> [속보] Busan Mayor Democratic Party Competition, Kim Young-chun ranked first with 67.74% Revision 2021.03.06 18:02Input 2021.03.06 17:57 – – Kim Young-chun, a member of the Democratic Party, reporter Yoon Dong-ju doso7@ – trot[아시아경제 전진영 기자] On the 6th, the Busan Mayor Kim Young-chun and Democratic Party preliminary candidate was confirmed as the … Read more

Čenský after the end of the surgery: From the prince to the teacher of etiquette

This year you will find one “premiere”, sixtieth. Are you planning a celebration? “Yes, but everything is somehow on the water now. If the situation does not improve, we will try to celebrate them with our parents online. My father will be ninety this year, me sixty and my nephew thirty, so on May Day, … Read more