Breakthrough CRISPR-Cas9 Gene Editing Technology Shows Promise in HIV Treatment, University of Amsterdam Study Finds

Breakthrough CRISPR-Cas9 Gene Editing Technology Shows Promise in HIV Treatment, University of Amsterdam Study Finds

This technology involves highly accurate gene editing. (CRISPR-Cas9) has been widely used and can treat some genetic diseases, such as thalassemia. hereditary blindness But a research team from the University of Amsterdam The report on this test project states that what they are doing right now is just “Proof of concept” is not a cure.People … Read more

How they change the DNA inside our body – 2024-03-28 16:27:32

How they change the DNA inside our body
 – 2024-03-28 16:27:32

Akindude Odunsi is used to taking long walks at a brisk pace. So he worried in 2021 when he started feeling so tired and out of breath that he had to turn back after a few minutes. The retired stockbroker, 73, attributed the fatigue to his grief over his sister’s death. His cardiologist found a … Read more

Shocking DNA Test Scandal Unfolds in Hanoi: Wife Tries to Manipulate Results

Shocking DNA Test Scandal Unfolds in Hanoi: Wife Tries to Manipulate Results

(Schematic diagram/pixabay) A man in Hanoi, Vietnam, felt that the child looked more and more like his wife’s ex-boyfriend. So he became suspicious and took the hair of his wife and child to the local DNA testing center to ask for a blood relationship test. Before the final results were released, the wife actually called … Read more

New Research Reveals Surprising Details about Beethoven’s Health and Family History

New Research Reveals Surprising Details about Beethoven’s Health and Family History

Jakarta – DNA from the German composer’s hair Ludwig van Beethoven culminated in surprising results. Researcher wants to find out the health problems of Beethoven, who lost his hearing completely at the age of 40. “Our main goal is to shed light on Beethoven’s health problems, which famously included progressive hearing loss, beginning in his … Read more

World’s Largest Gene Bank of Ancient Human DNA Reveals Insights into Disease Evolution: Study

World’s Largest Gene Bank of Ancient Human DNA Reveals Insights into Disease Evolution: Study

Narrating the Ancient Genetic Code: Unraveling the Origins of Disease Researchers Trace the Spread of Ancient Genes and Diseases through Human DNA Analysis Scientists have achieved a remarkable breakthrough in the understanding of ancient human DNA by establishing the world’s largest gene bank. They have analyzed the remains of almost 5,000 individuals who lived across … Read more

Mitochondrial DNA Mutations Key Predictors of Immunotherapy Response, Revolutionizing Cancer Treatment

Mitochondrial DNA Mutations Key Predictors of Immunotherapy Response, Revolutionizing Cancer Treatment

Breakthrough Study Reveals DNA Mutations as Reliable Indicators for Immunotherapy Success in Cancer Treatment Introduction In a groundbreaking study conducted by Cancer Research UK, scientists have discovered that DNA mutations found in the mitochondria of cells hold the key to determining a patient’s likelihood of responding to immunotherapy treatment. This breakthrough revelation in cancer research … Read more

The DNA of the recovered corpse has nothing to do with humans; 1000 years old; Alien Debate in Mexico Again…!!

The DNA of the recovered corpse has nothing to do with humans;  1000 years old;  Alien Debate in Mexico Again…!!

The controversy surrounding the mysterious aliens that Mexico introduced to the world earlier this year is heating up again. Mexican journalist and UFO claimant Jaime Moussi has again claimed that DNA tests have confirmed that the remains he found are not human. With this, Mexico has again extended the discussions related to aliens to the … Read more

DNA and the structure of the Milky Way…the greatest female discoveries

DNA and the structure of the Milky Way…the greatest female discoveries

Even if many refuse to acknowledge this, the role of women in all fields cannot be denied, and we cannot limit them to the role of the housewife only. There are women who have crossed the limits of the sky with their knowledge, made many amazing scientific discoveries, and have become pioneers in distinctive and … Read more

The Wandering Earth: Exploring Human Spirituality and the Connection to Our Planet

The Wandering Earth: Exploring Human Spirituality and the Connection to Our Planet

Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash When the sun, which symbolizes the source of all things, is about to become a threat that swallows everything,What changes will the human spiritual world undergo? The sun’s helium flash and the earth being swallowed up – this distant and familiar concept often appears in Western science fiction, but … Read more

Wife Forgives Husband: Confession of Maid’s Pregnancy Strengthens Relationship

Wife Forgives Husband: Confession of Maid’s Pregnancy Strengthens Relationship

Wife isn’t angry. Husband confesses to making maid pregnant. Before suggesting that the DNA test results be kept for the future, she briefly revealed the reason. Her husband felt both guilty and more in love. Among the stories of thousands of people coming to the Hanoi DNA Analysis and Genetics Center to register for paternity … Read more