Shinkansen Etiquette: Seating and Lunch Box Procedures for a Comfortable Ride

Shinkansen Etiquette: Seating and Lunch Box Procedures for a Comfortable Ride

Procedures when using the Shinkansen [Cùrsa etiquette bho iar-rùnaire a’ chinn-suidhe]book 34 During the Golden Week, many people may enjoy traveling by Shinkansen to return home or go on vacation. The Shinkansen is used as a form of long-distance transportation, and if you are not used to using it, it may be a bit confusing.For … Read more

Blitar Woman Turns Pineapple Business into Billion-Dollar Success Story

Blitar Woman Turns Pineapple Business into Billion-Dollar Success Story

Jakarta – Pineapples are one of the most popular fruits because of their fresh taste. The superiority of this fruit succeeded in making a woman from Blitar named Azizah reap billions in profits. Azizah has succeeded in processing pineapple into a fresh drink which brings in billions in turnover. In the city of Blitar, which … Read more

The Impact of Pineapple on Blood Sugar Levels: A Guide for Diabetics

The Impact of Pineapple on Blood Sugar Levels: A Guide for Diabetics

Jakarta – Fruit is generally good to consume for health, including when suffering from diabetes or high blood sugar levels. Fruits are an excellent source of nutrients, including dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Most fruits have a low glycemic index (GI) score. This means that fruit has a smaller effect on blood sugar levels than … Read more

Alto Maipo: a project with a million-dollar impact against the environment

Alto Maipo: a project with a million-dollar impact against the environment

Approximate reading time: 3 minutes, 55 seconds The Alto Maipo project, initiated by the American company AES Gener SA and the Austrian construction company Strabag, is located in the upper basin of the Maipo River, in the commune of San José de Maipo. According to the Chilean government, “the Alto Maipo hydroelectric project is part … Read more

How to Safely Enjoy Pineapple without Mouth Irritation: Tips and Tricks

How to Safely Enjoy Pineapple without Mouth Irritation: Tips and Tricks

CNN Indonesia Sunday, Jul 23 2023 19:14 WIB Illustration. Eating pineapple can make your mouth feel sore because of irritation. (Istockphoto/Kateryna Kukota) Jakarta, CNNIndonesia — Not being ulcerbut the mouth feels sore after eating pineapple. Why is that? Consumed pineapple can actually turn ‘eat’ you. Pineapple can easily irritate the mouth. In fact, the feeling … Read more

“Discover 7 Impressive Health Benefits of Eating Pineapple That Can Help Strengthen Teeth and Bones”

“Discover 7 Impressive Health Benefits of Eating Pineapple That Can Help Strengthen Teeth and Bones”

Written by Mervat Rashad Tuesday, March 21, 2023 09:00 AM It contains pineapple Rich in anti-inflammatory and antioxidant elements, this nutritious fruit provides a wealth of health benefits that can promote healthy digestion and immunity. Furthermore, it is beneficial for your bones, skin, and hair. Here are the many benefits of eating pineapple, according to … Read more

6 types of fruit suitable for consumption of flu or flu

6 types of fruit suitable for consumption of flu or flu

TIME.CO, Jakarta – Influence is a highly contagious respiratory disease caused by infection with the influenza virus. In severe cases, the flu can cause complications such as pneumonia and even death. Fruit consumption during the flu Here are some fruits that are good to eat when you have a cold or influence: 1. Ceri Citing … Read more

5 benefits of pineapple fruit and know the content of bromelain enzyme

6 types of fruit suitable for consumption of flu or flu

TIME.CO, Jakarta – Pineapple (nice pineapple) tropical fruit that tastes refreshing when eaten right away. This fruit can be made into jam or a blend of some dishes. Pineapple contains nutrients, antioxidants and compounds such as the enzyme bromelain. Benefits of pineapple fruit 1. Digestion To collect Health line, pineapple Contains the bromelain group of … Read more

this was the pitched battle between Central Norte and Sportivo players

this was the pitched battle between Central Norte and Sportivo players

September 25, 2022 – 20:40 At the end of the match and after the referee charged a penalty in favor of the crow, the brawl broke out between the players of the two teams at the Martearena stadium. – Central Norte lost by the minimum against Sportivo Belgrano, the match ended in hot weather due … Read more

Not Coal-Gas, This RI Treasure is Fighting For China-USA

Not Coal-Gas, This RI Treasure is Fighting For China-USA

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – The “treasure” of Indonesia that is being contested by foreigners is not only gold, oil, or coal. This also includes fruit. One of the important agreements agreed by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and Chinese President Xi Jinping, for example, is the export of Indonesian fresh pineapples to Beijing. The local pineapple … Read more