Every third German has a low value

How important is vitamin D for our health? This is the subject of heated debate among doctors. Some swear by vitamin D cures, others consider this an unnecessary trend. How is the vitamin D supply in Germany? Vitamin D is the only vitamin that the body can make itself. The so-called endogenous synthesis takes place … Read more

Germans suffer from low levels of sun vitamin

How important is vitamin D for our health? This is the subject of heated debate among doctors. Some swear by vitamin D cures, others consider this an unnecessary trend. How is the vitamin D supply in Germany? Vitamin D is the only vitamin that the body can make itself. The so-called endogenous synthesis takes place … Read more

Many Germans suffer from a lack of sun vitamin

How important is vitamin D for our health? This is the subject of heated debate among doctors. Some swear by vitamin D cures, others consider this an unnecessary trend. How is the vitamin D supply in Germany? Vitamin D is the only vitamin that the body can make itself. The so-called endogenous synthesis takes place … Read more

Information video .. 7 signs that you have soft bones

Bone formation problems or bone-building process cause the bones to soften themselves, which are not the same as osteoporosis, and the most common cause of osteomalacia is a lack of vitamin D that helps absorb calcium into the stomach. According to the medical site “healthline” Osteomalacia causes the bone to be significantly broken, so the … Read more

The healing wonders of pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds are a complete food that is attributed great medicinal, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer and anti-parasitic benefits The Pumpkin seeds Are the dried seeds from the plant of genus Cucurbita from America. There are different varieties Y pumpkin breeds which are grown in most of the agricultural regions, this plant is native to Mexico and southeast … Read more

8 factors that increase the risk of osteoporosis, including the level of hormones

Osteoporosis is a popular problem that many are exposed to, and it causes severe pain in the body, and the inability to make any effort, according to what the website says patients There are many factors and causes that increase the risk of exposure to osteoporosis, the most prominent of which is aging and genetic … Read more