Serie A, Mourinho at Roma unleashes the waltz of the benches | News

Spalletti and Allegri ready to return to Serie A, Gasperini and Conte the least in the balance, while Sarri could re-embrace the Premier League The announcement of the engagement of Jose Mourinho by Roma took everyone by surprise, sparking a domino effect on Serie A benches and beyond. Maurizio Sarri, who was the number one … Read more

INIFAP is concerned about the increase in periods of drought – El Heraldo de Chiapas

Due to the increasingly frequent and intense droughts that affect corn producers in Chiapas, the National Institute for Forestry, Agricultural and Livestock Research (Inifap), evaluates sustainable solutions with promising results. The INIFAP coordinator and liaison director in Chiapas, Walter López Báez, emphasized that in many rainfed corn-producing regions of Chiapas, rains occur irregularly during the … Read more

Fiorentina is not the team from which Maurizio Sarri will restart

Maurizio Sarri is awaiting trial. and not because there is a party to feed, that of sarrismo, or the opposite: the coach is faced with a choice, regardless of the agreement that binds him to Juventus and on which he has paid close attention due to the financial implications. The rumors that he would be … Read more

Juve, Nedved: “Pirlo will be the coach at 100%. Ronaldo can’t be touched”

The Juventus vice president puts firm points on the future in an interview with Dazn. On the Argentine: “We missed him, now let’s evaluate every market opportunity”. On Allegri: “No repentance”. And on Conte: “No message, there is rivalry. I know how he and Marotta know how to work” “Pirlo is and will be the … Read more

Gotti: “Pirlo shouldn’t have accepted Juve. I could have gone with Sarri, too bad” | News

“Instead of Pirlo, I would not have accepted the bench of the you“. Guest of Get Fall, the technician ofUdinese Luca Gotti thus intervenes on the difficult moment of the Juventus team and its coach. And speaking of Juve: “I would have liked to go with Often, instead … He is a direct person, he … Read more

Driveless: winter or metabolism?

news by Ilse Romahn (16.02.2021) The winter darkness often leads to a feeling of listlessness; the winter temperatures cause goose bumps. Sometimes, however, it is not the time of year that is behind the symptoms, but physical causes such as hormonal disorders of the thyroid gland or anemia lead to the symptoms. – Blood tests … Read more

COVID-19 patients complain of loss of interest in alcohol, coffee and cigarettes

On social networks and in consultation with specialists, people complain about their rejection of alcohol, tobacco, and in some cases, coffee with chocolate. – Even the smell of alcohol now I can not stand, as, indeed, and coffee, – said Tatiana. “After covid, the very sight of the chocolate causes a persistent gag reflex,” notes … Read more

The most dangerous symptom of vitamin D deficiency identified

USA, 25 Nov 2020. /LIVE24/. Vitamin D is produced in the body through the action of sunlight. However, it is possible to get it from food. According to Express, people living in the northernmost regions of the planet may develop osteomalacia due to a lack of vitamin D. This condition is characterized by a rather … Read more