Almaci gives nuclear power plants only a 1% chance: ‘The patient has died’

According to Groen chairman Meyrem Almaci, the agreement reached within the government on nuclear energy means that there is a ’99 percent’ chance that a decision will be made in March to close the nuclear power plants permanently. Extending the lifespan ‘is not a plan B, but a plan Z’. – That is what Almaci … Read more

MR and Vooruit continue to disagree about tax benefit two…

Government parties MR and Vooruit continue to fundamentally disagree about the tax deductibility of second, third and fourth homes. That turned out in the seventh day on a. Forward chairman Conner Rousseau announced that he would continue to fight against the measure. ‘But how else are people supposed to put something aside for their retirement?’, … Read more

MR chairman Georges-Louis Bouchez: “If socialists on Sunday… (Brussels)

– MR chairman Georges-Louis Bouchez is the proud owner of a dwarf Keeshond. — ©  Guy Puttemans – Brussels – MR chairman Georges-Louis Bouchez would rather associate you with a pit bull, but look: he is the proud owner of a dwarf Keeshond. Still, Liloo has something in common with Bouchez. “She barks at socialists.” … Read more

Will the De Croo government intervene now that energy prices are due to the p…

– – Now that energy prices are shooting through the ceiling, there is also increasing pressure on politicians to do something about the sky-high energy bill. When drawing up the budget, everyone also looks at the De Croo government. Will he intervene? We have already listed the proposals from the various parties. – Farid El … Read more

‘Don’t get on your knees for Flemish people in 2024’

French speakers urgently need to prepare for what comes after 2024, says MP Pierre-Yves Jeholet (MR). – The French Community is celebrating its fiftieth anniversary and it doesn’t look like another fifty will be added. Prime Minister Pierre-Yves Jeholet (MR) says in The evening that ‘it is time for the French speakers to say what … Read more

PS and MR do not want to know about loss of wages for sick parliamentarians

– PS parliamentary group leader Ahmed Laaouej does not feel like adjusting the illness regulation of the representatives of the parliament in the slipstream of the Flemish Parliament. — © BELGA – The French-speaking majority parties MR and PS do not listen to the request from their Dutch-speaking coalition partners to also adjust the sickness … Read more

New habitable planets found Lead

In a study published in The Astrophysical Journal, researchers named the new type of exoplanets hycean planets, hot, ocean-covered planets rich in hydrogen, which they believe are much more abundant and more observable than Earth-like planets. Exoplanets are planets orbiting extraterrestrial stars outside the Solar System. In search of extraterrestrial life, astronomers are looking for … Read more

Traces of massive collisions have been found

According to a new study, huge asteroids such as those that caused the extinction of dinosaurs crashed into the young Earth more often than expected, writes According to researchers, our developing planet is hit by a city-sized or even larger object every 15 million years. During the period of violence 2.5-3.5 billion years ago, … Read more