Apple TV + reportedly has less than 20 million subscribers in the United States and Canada

Apple TV + reportedly has less than 20 million subscribers in the United States and Canada

The iPhone manufacturer’s streaming service is far behind Disney + or Netflix. Apple may be one of the most powerful Gafa, it remains a dwarf in video streaming. According to the IATSE union, which represents intermittents in the film and television industry, its streaming service Apple TV + had less than 20 million subscribers in … Read more

The weather presenter Laurent Cabrol in his turn leaves Europe 1

The weather presenter Laurent Cabrol in his turn leaves Europe 1

The contract of this historic Europe 1, 74 years old, was not renewed by the radio. He, for his part, refused another column that was offered to him. Europe 1 continues to lose its big names. After Julie Leclerc, Nicolas Canteloup, Pascale Clark or even Patrick Cohen, it is Laurent Cabrol’s turn to leave the … Read more

French people totally addicted to their digital subscriptions

French people totally addicted to their digital subscriptions

Netflix, Spotify or even Le Figaro, how many subscriptions are there per household? What is their cost? BearingPoint’s Submix study takes a comprehensive look at this market. Stacking digital subscriptions has become a national sport. There was already Netflix at home, but the youngest demanded access to Disney +, “You understand, dad, it’s to better … Read more

Brussels reserved about the French decree

Brussels reserved about the French decree

The remarks raised by the Commission could slow down negotiations on the media chronology. Would France ask too much of video streaming players? This is what the European Commission suggests. Brussels would have expressed certain reservations on the new rules that France wishes to impose by decree, before the summer, on video streaming players, in … Read more

TV, more watched in Europe than in the USA

TV, more watched in Europe than in the USA

DECRYPTION – Americans devote 3.32 hours to it every day, compared to 3.54 hours for the inhabitants of the Old Continent. A first. The planet continues to be globally loyal to the post. In 2020, television even saw a noticeable resurgence of interest. The time spent by viewers around the world in front of the … Read more

New York theaters reopen but deprived of Blockbusters

New York theaters reopen but deprived of Blockbusters

For the first time in a year, cinemas have opened in New York. A partial recovery which is not enough to get the industry out of the crisis. For nearly a year, the dark rooms of New York had not seen the light of a projector. For the first time, Friday, March 5, the cinemas … Read more

Darius Rochebin, Swiss secret boot from LCI

Darius Rochebin, Swiss secret boot from LCI

After more than twenty years at the helm of the Swiss Romand television news, the former presenter of RTS takes control of a daily interview. –Swiss journalist Darius Rochebin will present from Monday to Thursday, on LCI, a current affairs program at 8 p.m. with an interview with a personality every evening. Eric Dessons / … Read more

Black screen for France Ô Sunday at midnight

Black screen for France Ô Sunday at midnight

France Ô will disappear from the screens this Sunday at midnight, as the government had decided two years ago. A decision that follows the low audiences of this public channel with a unique profile, both overseas television showcase and a concentrate of diversity. Unlike France 4, a channel intended in particular for children, which benefited … Read more