Index – Domestic – A 32-year-old man is the youngest victim of the coronavirus

– – 2021.03.28. 14:32 – – – A 32-year-old diabetic man was on Saturday a coronavirus is the youngest victim in Hungary – it turns out on the government information page uploaded datafrom. A 34-year-old man whose underlying disease was identified as obesity also died, and a 38-year-old man who did not have an underlying … Read more

Covid-19: Latvia has 17th highest morbidity and 10th highest mortality among EU and EEA countries – Latvia – News

One week ago, Latvia was in the 14th position among European countries with the highest infection rate. – ECDC estimates of the situation in the previous two weeks, from 8 to 21 March, show that the cumulative morbidity per 100,000 population in Latvia is 371 cases. – In Estonia, on the other hand, the infection … Read more

Chief medical officer Lyashko recovered from coronavirus

Photo: Lyashko quickly and easily transferred the coronavirus – – The Deputy Minister of Health contracted the coronavirus 10 days ago, although he was vaccinated 13 days before. Chief Sanitary Doctor of Ukraine Viktor Lyashko on Thursday, March 25, reportedthat recovered from the coronavirus. – “Friends, I recovered and returned to work. As predicted, … Read more

The Ministry of Health of Canada adds a warning about blood clots to the instruction for the AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine

Health Canada has released guidelines for health care providers and vaccine recipients to monitor potential symptoms following AstraZeneca vaccination. Health Canada has updated the text of the instructions for the coronavirus vaccine of the British-Swedish company AstraZeneca. It added a warning about cases of blood clots in patients vaccinated with the drug. About this March … Read more

Commissioner Giustini, the “Cotticelli” of Molise: “He wanted a hospital and made the region more vulnerable to Covid”

Molise exists. How Molise people exist. Unfortunately, however, someone behaved as if they were not there, trampling on their health and making the region “the most vulnerable to the pandemic and the least active in dealing with the emergency”. That someone responds to the name of Angelo Giustini: originally from Pereto in the province of … Read more

“Ukrzaliznytsia” will carry out three special flights to take out passengers from Ivano-Frankivsk and Chernivtsi regions

The “Ukrzaliznytsia” reported that passengers will be able to “civilized and safe” leave the Ivano-Frankivsk and Chernivtsi regions, which are in the “red” epidemic zone. March 8 Ukrzaliznytsia will carry out three special flights for the safe removal of more than 2 thousand passengers from quarantine zones. About this on March 6 reported press service … Read more

5 reasons why “weight loss” is not successful

Many times weLose weightFailure that we think we have tried hard. But in the end, the results turned out to be failed. But if you know the reasonLose weightNot successfulLose weightIt’s not difficult any more Dr. Pramote Patcharamanepakorn, MD, Internal Medicine SpecialistdiabetesThyroid and endocrine centersdiabetesThyroid and endocrine Bangkok Hospital said that the five main obstacles … Read more

“Cat hair allergy” symptoms, causes, symptoms and methods of prevention

Cat hair allergies are caused by allergens that come from the cat’s saliva and skin. Which, when inhaling such substances, may cause an allergic reaction And the allergen particles can get stuck on clothes. This may be the reason why people who do not have cats may also have cat hair allergies. Symptoms of cat … Read more

A year of covid, “The future of medicine? Hospital” without walls “and the home as a place for continuity of care”

Healthcare that looks to the future, through new technologies and integrated home care. These are among the priorities indicated by Prime Minister Mario Draghi in his keynote speech. Giuseppe Conte’s successor focuses on a more rooted and better developed territorial medicine, citing telemedicine as an ally. In Forlì, for example, the covid-19 pandemic has accelerated … Read more

The elderly warning “choking” may risk “lung infection” life threatening.

In the elderly over 60 years, mortality is found withLung infection From choking up to almost 30% Silent choking has no symptoms. If careless and not known if food or drinking water is aspirated into the airways. Can cause complications Infectious pneumonia (Aspiration pneumonia) which can lead to death. If the elderly have fever, cough, … Read more