Gray hair is annoying… Will it increase if I pluck it out?

Gray hair is annoying… Will it increase if I pluck it out?

Pulling out gray hair increases the risk of hair loss due to hair follicle damage. input 2023.12.06 13:14 Views 9 input 2023.12.06 13:14correction 2023.12.06 13:13 Views 9 More important than worrying about increasing gray hairs is that forcibly pulling out hair can damage hair follicles and permanently stop hair growth in that area. [사진= 게티이미지뱅크] … Read more

Why seasonal ‘black beans’ are especially good for menopausal women

Why seasonal ‘black beans’ are especially good for menopausal women

input 2023.11.22 06:30 Views 0 input 2023.11.22 06:30correction 2023.11.21 21:25 Views 0 Black beans are especially good for menopausal women. They not only prevent hair loss and obesity, but also prevent cancer and osteoporosis, which menopausal women are prone to. [사진=클립아트코리아] Black beans, which are in season now, are a representative ‘black food’ with excellent … Read more

Is it true that a hairdresser can have a “light hand”? | Question answer

Is it true that a hairdresser can have a “light hand”?  |  Question answer

Sometimes it seems that after a haircut, one master’s hair grows faster, and you go to another – the opposite is true. As if “light hand” at the hairdresser … S. Vetkovskaya, Minsk There is some truth in this. At least according to customers, thinks winner of the Grand Prix of the Olympic Games of … Read more