The Amazing Benefits of Sage: Strengthen Bones, Memory, and More!

The Amazing Benefits of Sage: Strengthen Bones, Memory, and More!

Red sage is a perennial plant that does not exceed 80 cm in height. It has clusters of purple or pink flowers, and its leaves are oval in shape with a serrated edge. Sage is considered one of the most important herbs that have many health benefits, which can help the body a lot. It … Read more

Discover the Power of Red Sage: The Ultimate Herb to Lower Blood Sugar and Improve Health

Discover the Power of Red Sage: The Ultimate Herb to Lower Blood Sugar and Improve Health

A young Jordanian woman revealed a cheap and neglected herb that lowers blood sugar quickly. She said that she used red sage to cleanse sugar, which is one of the most important medicines used in alternative medicine to treat many diseases, including anemia. Sage is considered one of the most important herbs that have many … Read more

The Power of Guava: A Neglected Fruit with Incredible Health Benefits

The Power of Guava: A Neglected Fruit with Incredible Health Benefits

A young Jordanian man revealed a powerful but neglected fruit that strengthens memory, prevents high blood sugar, treats osteoporosis, and is considered the perfect solution for colds and coughs. Guava fruit is characterized by containing a group of important nutrients that enhance its benefits in the body, as one guava fruit contains 37.4 calories. Guava … Read more

Top 10 Benefits of Eating Green Olives for a Healthy Body: Jordan’s Olive Industry on the Rise

Top 10 Benefits of Eating Green Olives for a Healthy Body: Jordan’s Olive Industry on the Rise

Jordan is considered among the ten largest olive-producing countries in the world. Olive trees occupy 130,000 hectares of the country’s total land. Olive cultivation in Jordan is witnessing great development, with more than 20 million olive trees throughout the Kingdom. Green olives are one of the most prominent types of fruits that many people prefer, … Read more