Firefighting on Wadden Island: Challenges and Solutions

Firefighting on Wadden Island: Challenges and Solutions

Lars PanderThe fire in the apartment complex on Vlieland yesterday NOS Nieuws•vandaag, 17:42 An apartment complex on Vlieland was heavily damaged by a large fire yesterday. A cherry picker was brought over from the mainland to fight the fire. How does firefighting work on a Wadden Island and how does it differ from firefighting on … Read more

The Miracle of Zamzam Water: Effects of Mixing with Plain Water Explained by Hydrogeology Researcher

The Miracle of Zamzam Water: Effects of Mixing with Plain Water Explained by Hydrogeology Researcher

Jakarta – Zam Zam water is a typical drinking water from Mecca, Saudi Arabia. The content in Zamzam water is no joke, so that makes it drinking water that has good nutrition for the human body. On the show ‘Eureka! 17th Edition: The Miracle of Zamzam Water’, Dr. Dasapta Erwin Irawan Hydrogeology Researcher from the … Read more

The Baribis Fault Can Make Jakarta Earthquake

Jakarta – Caesar Baribis stretches long, from Purwakarta Regency to the Baribis hills in Majalengka Regency. The Baribis Fault is the longest fault in Java Island. However, information is often spread that the Baribis Fault could endanger Jakarta with the potential for a damaging earthquake. Is that right? Dr. Irwan Meilano Dean of the Faculty … Read more

Shock! Moon and volcano created by the asteroid impact

Jakarta – Asteroid that hit the Earth played a role in the formation of the Moon and volcano. The impact of the asteroid also had a devastating impact on the extinction of the dinosaurs. Various studies have shown a link between asteroid collisions, increased volcanic eruptions and mass extinction events. ITB volcanologist Dr. ing. Ir. … Read more

Oh! There is a theory of human origins from Indonesia

Jakarta – The theory of the origin of the spread of male there are so numerous. Even so, there are two extra properly recognised, particularly the “out of Africa” ​​theory and the “Multiregional” theory. ITB paleontologist Prof. Yahdi Zaim handed on his explanation to detikINET. In ‘Eureka! Issue 8: The Mystery of Indonesia’s Sinking Continent, … Read more

Why Animals Are Often Used as Symbols of Human Character?

Jakarta – Humans tend to imagine creatures and characteristics and then describe them using symbols animal. In various stories, there are several animals that are depicted as evil figures, there are also protagonist animals that represent good. The tendency to depict characters using animal symbols, according to Professor at the LIPI-BRIN Research Center, Prof. Dr. … Read more

When Yes, Indonesia Can Travel to the Moon?

Jakarta – In recent years, a number of countries have raced to go to Month. Space exploration has even started to hold space tourism or space tourism. When yes, Indonesia can tour the Moon? This was one of the questions asked by in the live event “Eureka!: Indonesia Hunting Exoplanets and Aliens”, Monday (24/1) … Read more