The Richest and Poorest Towns in Spain 2019: National Institute of Statistics’ Report on Average Annual Net Income Per Inhabitant

The richest and poorest towns in Spain in 2019EP Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid), Getxo (Vizcaya) and Boadilla del Monte (Madrid) They are the richest municipalities with more than 20,000 inhabitants with an average annual net income per inhabitant of 25,903 euros, 20,147 and 20,103 euros, respectively, according to the National Institute of Statistics (INE). On … Read more

“Record Breaking HPV Vaccination for Male Children in Andalusia”

Saturday, May 27, 2023, 10:28 p.m. The Andalusian Health Service, under the Ministry of Health and Consumption of the Junta de Andalucía, has financed for the first time this year the vaccine against the human papillomavirus (HPV) for male children born in 2011 –until now it was only free for girls– and has broken records … Read more

“CS Candidate for Mayor of Almería Commits to Universal Accessibility for All”

The candidate for mayor of Almería for Ciudadanos, Rafa Burgos, has held a meeting with ONCE workers in Almería to hear their demands in order to introduce their proposals in the CS electoral program. In this meeting, Burgos has defended the commitment of liberal education for universal accessibility in public administrations. “We advocate that all … Read more

“Stolen Red Cross Boat Pursued by Customs in High-Speed Chase”

The stolen Red Cross boat in Santa Pola was pursued by Customs from Almería to CádizAFVA Campo de Gibraltar the boat of Red Cross Maritime Rescuestolen last Saturday morning in Santa Pola was pursued by air and sea means of the Customs Surveillance Service (SVA). The three crew members chose to beach the boat on … Read more

Barcelona: It was the worst game of the season – Xavi

As reported, Barcelona lost 1-0 at home to Almería in the Spanish league. Xavi spoke angrily after the match and called the match the worst match of the season. Despite the defeat, Xavi’s Barcelona have a seven-point lead in the league (Photo: Getty Images) “We played the worst game of the season and I’m very … Read more

Tsygankov scores and assists for the first time in La Liga: watch video – Football, Girona, Almeria, La Liga – Terrikon

The debut of Viktor Tsygankov in the Girona starting lineup was very successful – the Ukrainian scored a goal and provided an assist in today’s match against Almeria, and his team won 6-2. 2022-23, Spanish Championship Girona – Almeria 6:2 (4:0)Naked: Castellanos, 8 (1:0); Tsygankov, 34 (2:0); Riquelme R., 36 (3:0); Hernandez H., 43 (4:0); … Read more

On the night of Pique’s farewell … Barcelona beat Almeria

Barcelona beat Almeria in defender Gerard Pique’s retirement match, in the 13th round of the Spanish Football League. On the night of Pique’s farewell … Barcelona beat Almeria Barcelona defeated Almeria, with two goals to nil, on Saturday, in the retirement match of defender Gerard Pique, in the 13th round of the Spanish Football League. … Read more

Barcelona vs Almería (2-0): goals, result, summary, report and episodes of the LaLiga Santaner match | Farewell and retreat of Piqué at Camp Nou | VIDEO | SOCCER-INTERNATIONAL

The Barcelona won 2-0 in Almeria at Spotify Camp Nou in their last match Gerard Piqué at Camp Nou as a professional. The defender was replaced in the 84th minute with a tremendous ovation, hugs from his teammates and applause from the visiting players. Without a doubt, a moment that will go down in the … Read more