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Incidence value only 7.4 – four deaths

In Berlin, the corona incidence remains consistently below 10. The number of deaths is four.

Such is the current corona situation in the capital.

Saturday June 19th: Seven-day incidence at 7.4

According to the RKI, Saturday morning brings another lower incidence. The value is now 7.4. The number of new infections reported is 48. In addition, four deaths related to Covid-19 were registered.

Friday June 18th: The incidence value falls well below 10

On Friday, the incidence value in Berlin will be less than ten new infections per 100,000 inhabitants for the first time in 2021. According to the RKI, the number of new infections is eleven and six new deaths have been reported.

Thursday June 17th: Corona value drops towards 10

In Berlin, the corona incidence on Thursday is only just above the 10 mark. The number of new infections reported is 64 and six deaths have been recorded.

Wednesday June 16: The incidence keeps falling

The Berlin seven-day incidence continues to fall and is now 12.2. The number of new infections is 24. Nine deaths have been reported in connection with SARS-CoV-2.

Since the pandemic began, a total of 179,754 people in Berlin have tested positive for Covid-19. 3,529 of them died.

Tuesday, June 15: The seven-day value is falling again

The corona incidence in Berlin was 13.6 on Tuesday, lower than the day before. Compared to the previous week, the value has fallen by more than ten points. The number of new infections reported is 62. Three deaths have been reported.

Monday, June 14th: incidence value unchanged

On Monday morning, the Robert Koch Institute for Berlin reports a seven-day incidence of 15.4. The value remains unchanged compared to the previous day. The number of new infections registered is six. There were no new deaths.

Sunday, June 13th: Corona value falls again

On Sunday the incidence value for Berlin was 15.4 and thus 0.2 points below the value of the previous day. The city’s health authorities recorded 17 new infections. Fortunately, there were no deaths related to Covid-19.

Saturday June 12th: the incidence value continues to fall

On Saturday, too, the RKI reported a lower incidence for the city of Berlin than the day before. The value is 15.6. The number of new infections is 100 and there was another death related to Covid-19.

For the first time since September: all Corona traffic lights on green

Thanks to falling incidences and a general relaxation of the corona situation in the capital, all Berlin corona traffic lights are green. This was last the case on September 18, 2020.

Health Senator Dilek Kalayci praised the Berlin population in her tweet, but nevertheless urged further caution.

Friday 11th June: Corona value falls well below 20

The seven-day incidence in Berlin is 16.6 on Friday. This means that Berlin now has the lowest incidence of the four German cities with a population of over a million. The number of new infections is 88 and the number of reported deaths is four.

Since the pandemic began, 179,553 people in Berlin have tested positive for Covid-19. 3,517 of them died.

Thursday June 10th: Incidence drops towards the 20 mark

On Thursday, the corona incidence value in Berlin was 20.2. The Robert Koch Institute reports 122 new infections and one death related to Covid-19.

Wednesday June 9th: Incidence continues to decline

For the second day in a row, the Berlin seven-day incidence fell. It is 22.6 on Wednesday. 118 new infections and two deaths were registered.

Tuesday, June 8th: the incidence value drops

On Tuesday, the Robert Koch Institute reported an incidence value of 24.4 for the federal capital. In addition, 104 new infections and four deaths were registered.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, 179,225 people have tested positive for Covid-19 in Berlin. 3,510 of them died.

Monday June 7th: Seven-day incidence remains constant

The corona incidence in Berlin remains unchanged at 26.5 on Monday. The Robert Koch Institute also reported seven new infections and one death on this day.

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