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Apple’s Participation in NBA Bottle Contest: Suspected Space Camera Appearance


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Is Apple participating in the NBA Bottle Contest?Own space camera suspected to have appeared

| Zhou Chuanli | 20-02-2024 03:17 | |

This year’s NBA basketball game has ended, but many comments have said that the NBA basketball game is not as good as the previous year. But it turns out that Apple is suspected of participating in this event this year, and it was shot with Apple’s own space camera. It is very likely that the process of the NBA entering the basketball game will be recorded in the form of a space video, so that Vision Pro users can use the new space computing device again in the future. Warm up the game situation.

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I still remember that when Apple VIsion Pro was released, it demonstrated the shock of NBA immersive space videos. It turns out that to achieve this effect, you need to shoot with Apple’s space camera. However, Apple has not announced when it will be launched, but it is expected to be limited to subscriptions on the Apple TV+ platform, similar to the situation of MLS.

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Source:Apple Insider

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