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Actor Igor Bareš: His Favorite Books, Love of Cemeteries, and Audiobook Dubbing

Actor Igor Bareš is an avid reader. He was interviewed by presenter Kristina Kloubková in the program Readers on TN Live. He revealed to Té what books influenced his childhood and what authors he prefers now. In the show, Bareš also explained his fondness for cemeteries and the things he sometimes brings home from there.

In his childhood, his favorite reading was the comic Four-leaf clover. “In my native Olomouc, where I spent my childhood years, there was only one stand where it was sold. We stood in queues for it and it was a great misfortune when we didn’t get it. Then, of course, I reached for more demanding literature. At Jaroslav Foglar’s, it was not only Fast arrows, but his entire work. The mystery of the puzzle or the Secret of Velké Vonto were not stories for children, they were very harsh stories,” mentioned Igor Bareš.

According to the actor, children do not read as much as he himself would like. “I have a 13-year-old daughter and a 9-year-old boy. I have to say that they don’t read as intensively as I would have imagined. It’s a different time. You travel by public transport, you take a book out of your bag and everyone looks up from their mobile phones, a little confused and looks at you like excavation,” he noted.

​Since his childhood, his taste has changed a lot, as is usual. “Before, I was not a supporter of reading two or three books at the same time. But now, when I’m not in the mood for the rather depressing prose of Jaroslav Havlíček, I reach for relaxing reading of the detective genre by Václav Erben, for example,” said Bareš.

The actor also often dubs audiobooks. “I get the greatest joy when I manage to get something that is very close to me personally and that interested me and I would like to share it with someone. That’s exactly the way of audiobooks, but I can’t read it ahead of time. The plot evokes emotions in me, and I firmly hope that they can be heard through the microphone,” added the actor.

​Bareš is also known for his unusual fondness for cemeteries. “It’s a place where you realize something. You have the possibility and space to imagine and make up stories. You can even fantasize and enjoy it. That’s what I enjoy. Don’t look for any morbidity in it. The fact that I sometimes take something away from there is not related with the planned devastation of a place of worship, but with the fact that I like to surround myself with objects that are from special places. It usually evokes in me a memory of who, why and when I was there,” concluded Bareš.


2023-12-04 17:29:00
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