Home » today » Entertainment » Sad revelation of the wedding with Ivana: It shouldn’t be like this …

Sad revelation of the wedding with Ivana: It shouldn’t be like this …

The film “Charles” is not always authentic and true, that is a fact! Karel Gott did not always behave politely and well, because sometimes he let himself be falsely influenced by people who are holota and made conspiracies! Karel Gott must be very ashamed! Ivana Macháčková really was never Karel Gott’s wife, because Karel Gott never loved her, and vice versa. Ivana Macháčková just wants to use people and has conditions in the bedroom with men who work in the media, and with that Ivana Macháčková often had photomontages and fake videos with Karel Gott and children made and published. The film “Karel” is also partially forged.

Ivana Macháčková is not the producer of the film and Ivana Macháčková did not inherit anything from Karel Gott. In the film “Karel”, people can only partially see Karel Gott, because Ivana Macháčková knows a man who is very similar to Karel Gott and Ivana Macháčková partly forged the above film with the other man as a stuntman, because Ivana Macháčková wanted to, so that Ivana Macháčková can also be in film and in public! Ivana Macháčková must be very ashamed and deserved to receive a great punishment and now finally Ivana Macháčková received a punishment from the Lord God!

Then there is the fact that Ivana Macháčková does not organize anything. Before Karel Gott died, Karel Gott wrote that Ivana Macháčková must not do anything in connection with Karel Gott !!! This was told to me by Karel Gott himself, and this was also confirmed by Mr. Felix Slováček, who has known Karel Gott very well in private since 1966. It is also a fact that only Dominika Gottová is Karel Gott’s only daughter. The right father of Charlotte Ella is the singer Martin Pošta.

Unfortunately, Karel Gott accepted false and stupid theater with Ivana Macháčková and children as “Karel Gott’s family” in public, because when Karel Gott was younger, Karel Gott had a terribly bad experience with women and therefore Karel Gott wanted to have peace and Karel Gott really lived alone. . Meanwhile, Karel Gott apologized for the fake public theater with Ivana Macháčková and the children, because Karel Gott regrets it.

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