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When will Prince Harry and Megan Mark show a photo of their daughter?

Royal biographers tend to think that young parents will not linger too long to show the heiress’ face. In any case, none of the experts sees a good reason for this. Most likely, Megan Mark and Prince Harry want to look forward to some special holiday to show their daughter to the public. Or an important charity event, – predicts the “Express” edition.

The latter of the above versions is considered the most reliable. Mostly because after Lilibett’s birth, the prince and his wife asked the fans not to send expensive gifts, offering to transfer the excess funds to the funds they patronized. Most of these organizations are involved in supporting women and children.

Megan Mark’s daughter was born on June 4 this year at 11:40 a.m. at Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital in California. The girl is named in honor of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Harry’s princely mother, Princess Diana of Wales. The firstborn of the Dukes of Sussex, son Archie, was born on May 6, 2019.

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