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Unearthed NEC Notebook from 1995 with Windows 3.1 OS | Must-See Video and Specifications


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| Su Jiahua | 02-04-2024 02:39 | |

Nowadays, many people already have desktop computers or notebooks, so they probably don’t think this electronic product is anything special. However, in 1995, notebooks were a relatively niche gadget, so I believe some Japanese netizens recently posted their father’s The notebook was unearthed in 1995 and should bring a lot of freshness to everyone. Check it out now!

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Recently, a Japanese netizen posted on the X platform and shared his father’s old NEC notebook from 1995, model number PC-9821Ne3. It is equipped with the Windows 3.1 operating system, which is the last version of the MS-DOS era. As can be seen from the video, this notebook is actually very old and the screen quality is very low. However, it can still perform the tasks of stepping on mines and playing Solitaire. Two Windows classic games, I believe that after seeing this, some friends of “a certain age” will have a “collective memory”.

Speaking of other specifications of NEC PC-9821Ne3, it includes Intel 486DX2 (50MHz) CPU, 640KB memory, 10.1-inch 640 x 480 TFT LCD color display, etc. This notebook is still available in the Japanese second-hand market at a price of About 7,000 yen (approximately HK$362).

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Source: Cool3c

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