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Understanding and Managing Stitches in the Chest: Causes and Treatment

A stitch in the chest can have various causes, such as stress, anxiety, heart problems or lung problems1. It is important to assess the severity and duration of the pain, and whether there are other symptoms associated with it. Some possible causes of stitches in the chest include:

Nerve irritation: This is a harmless condition caused by irritation of the nerves in the wall of the chest cavity. The pain is usually short-lived and disappears on its own.Reflux: This is a condition in which stomach acid enters the esophagus, which can cause a burning pain behind the breastbone. The pain can be worsened by certain foods, smoking, stress or obesityTietze’s syndrome or costochondritis: These are inflammations of the cartilage of the ribs on the sternum, which can cause a sharp, stabbing pain in the chest. The pain usually worsens with movement, exertion or deep breathing2Pleurisy or pleurisy: This is an inflammation of the membrane that covers the lungs, usually caused by a viral or bacterial infection. The pain is sharp and stabbing, and becomes worse on inhalation or coughing24.Pneumothorax or collapsed lung: This is a condition in which air enters the space between the lungs and the chest wall, causing the lung to (partially) collapse. The pain is sudden, sharp and stabbing, and is located on one side of the chest2.Pericarditis: This is an inflammation of the pericardium, the membrane that surrounds the heart. The pain is nagging and oppressive, and can radiate to the neck, shoulder or back2. Hyperventilation: This is a condition in which you breathe too quickly or too deeply, causing a disturbance in the balance between oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood. The pain is oppressive and may be accompanied by dizziness, tingling, palpitations or anxiety2.

If you feel a twinge in the chest, you should follow these steps:

Sit down and breathe calmly. Check your heart rate and see if it is normal. If the pain does not stop after five minutes or gets worse, or if the pain spreads to your neck, jaw or arms, call a doctor or 911 immediately. Try to relax, move, do breathing exercises and find the cause of your stress.

2023-11-25 07:00:40
#feel #twinge #chest #bad #wel.nl

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