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These are 7 Fresh Immune Boosting Juices, Suitable for Blocking Covid Bund

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia Fruits containing vitamin C are important to be consumed in the midst of this pandemic. The many vitamins and nutritional content contained in fruits can increase the body’s immune power.

Not only can they be eaten directly, but these fruits can be processed into fresh juices or smoothies as a variation and not boring.

A number of fruits that can be mixed into juice to increase the body’s immunity include oranges, apples, carrots, strawberries, to watermelon.

Healthline, as quoted from detik.com, reveal the recipe and nutrition of immune-boosting juice, as follows:

1. Orange, lemon and lime juice

Vitamin C is an important nutrient for boosting immunity. One of the best sources of vitamin C is oranges. You can make juice from various types of oranges to get maximum benefits.

For example a mixture of mandarin oranges, navel oranges, grapefruit, lemon, and lime. You can add natural sweeteners such as honey. Drinking a glass of this juice can provide your body with other vitamins and minerals including vitamins A, B6, B9, potassium, and zinc.

2. Apple, carrot and orange juice

For those who like a fresh taste, you can consume this immune-boosting juice regularly. The combination of nutrients from apples, carrots, and oranges is good for protecting the body’s health and fighting infection. Vitamin C is found in apples and oranges, while vitamin A is found in carrots in the form of the antioxidant beta-carotene.

Carrots also contain vitamin B6 which has an important role in antibody production and immune cell proliferation. Another bonus, you will get glowing skin from regularly consuming this juice. If you want additional benefits, also mix ginger or lemon into the juice mixture.

3. Beetroot, carrot, ginger and apple juice

Beetroot is famous for its blood-boosting properties. In addition, consumption of beetroot helps boost the immune system and reduces various inflammatory symptoms.

Inflammation is often said to be an immune response against infection from viruses or bacteria. For example, symptoms of cough, body aches, and runny nose in flu. Consuming beet juice is more nutritious with a mixture of carrots, ginger, and apples. Nutrients include potassium, vitamins A, B6, B9, and C.

4. Tomato juice

This immune-boosting juice is easy to make, tastes great, and is inexpensive. The main ingredient is tomatoes which are high in folate content. Folate can reduce the risk of infection, is anti-inflammatory, and contains magnesium.

The best tomato juice is made from ripe tomatoes. You can add a little sugar to balance the natural sour taste of the tomatoes. If you want a different touch, also add celery leaves and a little black pepper powder to the tomato juice mixture.

5. Strawberry and Kiwi Juice

Strawberries and kiwi are delicious blended into juice. Behind the refreshing sour taste, this juice is full of vitamin C. To make it even more delicious, also add oranges, bananas, and honey. This combination actually refers more to smoothies than juices.

To get protein and vitamin D intake, you can also add milk to smoothies. Want to be even healthier? Add a little yogurt which is a source of probiotics.


[Gambas:Video CNBC]


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