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The Ultimate Guide to Getting the Xbox Series S ‘Dune War: Chapter 2’ Special Edition with Floating Controller


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Xbox Series S “Dune War: Chapter 2” Special Edition comes with a floating controller. There is only one way to get it.

| Su Jiahua | 17-02-2024 15:55 | |

“Dune: Chapter 2” starring new generation actor Tim McPhee-Chalome will be released in Hong Kong on February 29, but in the United States it will be released one day later, on March 1. Screenings have begun, but now the trailer for this science fiction masterpiece has been aired online and in theaters, and the publicity continues to spread. In fact, Microsoft has launched a special edition for the Xbox Series S of “Dune War: Chapter 2”. The special feature is that it is equipped with a floating controller base, which matches the sci-fi theme. There is only one way to get it, and it doesn’t involve spending money. solvable.

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This Xbox Series S “Dune War: Chapter 2” special edition is launched to celebrate the release of this science fiction masterpiece. The body will be orange-brown, and the flight simulator and controllers will be black. The special feature is that the product comes with an ornithopter stand and a floating handle, which is the first launch of the brand and specially designed inspired by the Ornithopter. But of course, it is not so easy for fans to get this Xbox Series S “Dune War: Chapter 2” special edition console. Instead, they need to follow Xbox on the X platform from now until March 25 and forward this Xbox official lottery post, you can have a chance to win.

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Source: Xbox

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