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The 20 most unusual inquiries from New Yorkers to the 311 service

The New York Information Service celebrated its 20th anniversary today by publishing a list of the 20 most unusual inquiries received in its two decades of existence.

“I want to report a ghost in my window,” “I want to report my neighbor because he greets everyone in the building,” or “Is there a law that limits the number of times you can flush the toilet?” ?” are some of the twenty questions from citizens chosen by this information service that is contacted by calling 311.

It has released them in a brief statement under the title “20 calls to remember”, among which you can also read queries such as: “Could I go to a ufologist?”, “I would like to file a noise complaint against my refrigerator” , “Can I include my dog ​​on my tax return?” or “Can you check if my boyfriend is married?”

“Thank you for the memories of New York City! Here’s to 20 more years!” read a message on social media from the 311 service.

According to the Mayor’s Office, since its creation in March 2003, this agency has received more than 525 million inquiries through calls, texts, chats or the Internet.

In 2022 alone, the information service was contacted more than 35 million times, according to data published today.

The complaints that were repeated the most last year were about illegal parking, about maintenance in residential buildings, noise from neighbors or about vehicles blocking the roads.

“Since its launch two decades ago, NYC311 has become an indispensable resource for New Yorkers looking to file a noise complaint, report a cleanliness issue, find out if alternate-side parking is in effect and much more,” said the mayor. of the city, Eric Adams, in a small act to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the birth of this service.

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