There are many symptomatic diseases similar to monkey pox, this is the difference

There are many symptomatic diseases similar to monkey pox, this is the difference

The appearance of a rash or lesions does not necessarily mean monkeypox. REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Dermatologists revealed that there are several skin problems that can cause acne stupid or lumps similar to monkey pox. Even so, all new rashes or bumps still need to be taken seriously. “There are many other skin problems in society … Read more

What If Your Child Gets Monkey Pox?

What If Your Child Gets Monkey Pox?

Children are one of the groups that need special treatment when they get monkeypox. REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Head of the Task Force Monkeypox PB IDI Hanny Nilasari said that the age group of children is one of the community groups that need to receive special treatment from medical personnel when contracting monkeypox. Likewise with elderly … Read more

Woman in Georgia admits to contracting monkeypox through money, is it really possible?

Woman in Georgia admits to contracting monkeypox through money, is it really possible?

A woman in Georgia who works at a gas station admits she contracted monkeypox through money. REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — A Georgian citizen, Camille Seaton, claimed to have recovered from monkeypox, but was still traumatized by leaving the house. He also told how he first contracted monkeypox. His first symptoms were on July 11, 2022, when … Read more

There have been cases of monkeypox in children, how high is the risk?

There have been cases of monkeypox in children, how high is the risk?

Jakarta – In the case of monkeypox that occurs in about 80 countries today, several cases have been recorded in children. So far the United States has reported 4 cases of monkeypox in children and 1 case in Spain. The number of cases is minuscule compared to adult cases where thousands of people have been … Read more

IDI Collaborates to Improve Monitoring of Monkeypox Transmission

IDI Collaborates to Improve Monitoring of Monkeypox Transmission

IDI collaborates with 6 professional organizations to raise awareness on monkeypox REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Task Force Monkeypox The Executive Board of the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) collaborated with professional medical organizations to improve monitoring of cases of monkeypox transmission. “We are collaborating with six professional organizations to improve the ability of doctors to increase awareness … Read more

Monkeypox and Chickenpox, How to tell the difference?

Monkeypox and Chickenpox, How to tell the difference?

Monkeypox and chickenpox are caused by different viruses, and the symptoms are different. REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — At a glance, monkeypox and chicken pox seem to have the same name. Even so, the two are two different diseases that are not actually related. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the United States reveals … Read more

Doctors Surprised To See Monkey Pox Sufferers With Woles Riding Train in Spain

Doctors Surprised To See Monkey Pox Sufferers With Woles Riding Train in Spain

Doctors were surprised to find the reaction of monkeypox sufferers when they were educated. REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — A photo that has gone viral on social media shows a person with a rash full of bodies traveling by train. In the midst of the outbreak of cases monkey pox all over Europe, that person looks relax, … Read more

India Reports First Death of Monkeypox in Asia

India Reports First Death of Monkeypox in Asia

Reuters | CNN Indonesia Wednesday, 03 Aug 2022 16:00 WIB Jakarta, CNN Indonesia — India reported its first death from Monkeypox virus infection on Monday (1/8). The death from monkeypox in India is the fourth case of death in the world caused by the epidemic. A man from Kerala reportedly died on Saturday (30/7) after … Read more

4 facts about the death of monkeypox in Brazil-Spain, the first outside Africa!

4 facts about the death of monkeypox in Brazil-Spain, the first outside Africa!

Jakarta – The first case of monkeypox-related death outside of Africa was reported in Brazil. Not long ago, Spain also reported a case of death which was also related to monkeypox. Monkeypox or monkeypox is a rare zoonotic disease caused by infection with the monkeypox virus. This disease has been widely discussed since the WHO … Read more

IDI warns about monkeypox, the distribution of suspects in Indonesia is revealed

IDI warns about monkeypox, the distribution of suspects in Indonesia is revealed

Jakarta – Monkeypox or Monkeypox is a disease that is currently in the spotlight of the world. Previously, in May 2022, WHO received case reports from non-endemic countries. As of July 25, 2022, there are 17,905 confirmed cases of keypox in the world with a history of 17,852 cases occurring in countries without previous confirmed … Read more