A solar storm hits Earth, causing radio signal chaos in Russia

KOMPAS.com – Storm Sun or Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) which occurred on January 29, 2022, caused disturbances radio signal from Russia which lasted quite a while. In addition, several areas were also reported to have experienced power outages after phenomenon nature is happening. Reported from Express, Friday (4/2/2022) Sun storm sends a strong wind that … Read more

A solar storm hits the earth, radio frequency paralyzes in Russia

JAKARTA – Russia has been experiencing radio frequency interference for quite a while now Sun storm hit Earth. Not only making the radio signal chaotic, some areas also experienced power outages. Coronal mass ejection (CME) or solar storm released its energy on January 29, 2022. A fast solar storm that caused a geomagnetic storm was … Read more

When do solar storms occur? This Astronomer’s Prediction!

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – Last November, a geomagnetic storm caused a network of explosions from the Sun. According to experts, this is a warning before the same incident happens again in 2025. “The last few years, we’ve had very little activity, as happened during the solar minimum,” Bill Murtagh, program coordinator at the Outer Space … Read more

Solar Storm, Makes Earth on High Alert So It Can Disconnect the Electricity Network

Nusantaratv.com – Space weather physicist Dr Tamitha Skov warns of two major storms being ejected from the Sun’s corona. Although the scale of the storm is not yet known, it is feared that it could interfere with satellite signals so that the electricity network can be cut off. “We are on high alert. Several sunspot … Read more

This Young Star Keeps a Warning for Life on Earth – All Pages

National Astronomical Observatory of Japan – Illustrated depiction of the star EK Draconis emitting a coronal mass ejection as the two planets orbit. – Nationalgeographic.co.id—When astronomers spy on a star system located tens of light years from Earth, for the first time, they get a disturbing fireworks display: A star, named EK Draconis, emits a … Read more

Solar Storm: NASA Warns of Possible Disruption Due to ‘Rotation of the Sun’ Towards Earth

PRIANGAN ZONE – NASA has warned of the potential impact of the “rotating rotation of the Sun” created by Sun storm which is likely to hit Earth on December 11, 2021. The agency said a coronal mass ejection (CME) plasma and magnetic fields escaped the Sun earlier this week and are being forecast on Saturday, … Read more

This Scientist Surprised To Remind The Threat Of The Internet Apocalypse, What’s Up?

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – A scientist from the University of California Irvine, Sangeetha Jyothi reveals the threat of an internet apocalypse. This is due to rare solar storm events. According to him, this has an impact on the internet’s underwater cable which will be disrupted. Because underwater cables use repeaters as a way of amplifying … Read more

Expert Predicts Solar Plasma ‘Spewing’ That Could Trigger Geomagnetic Storms on Earth

The UK’s meteorological agency (MET) said the CME might arrive on Saturday or earlier on Sunday. There is an estimated 30 percent chance that it will cause a minor or G1 class hurricane, which will probably peak on Sunday, he said. Geomagnetic storms are classed on a scale starting with G1 and working up from … Read more