Hanshin Tigers Win Central League Championship for the First Time in 18 Years, Fans Celebrate in Osaka City Despite Health Risks

Hanshin Tigers Win Central League Championship for the First Time in 18 Years, Fans Celebrate in Osaka City Despite Health Risks

Hanshin Tigers won the title again for the first time in 18 years, and a large number of fans poured into Osaka City to celebrate with excitement. (Picture/reproduced from Twitter) The Japanese Hanshin Tigers recently defeated the Giants 4-3 and won the title again for the first time in 18 years. A large number of … Read more

Exploring Traditional Chinese Medicine and Lymphoma: A Case Study

Exploring Traditional Chinese Medicine and Lymphoma: A Case Study

In recent years, the living habits of many of my friends have changed. In addition to going to work, they like to stay at home more in their spare time. Take a break at home, grab something to eat, and relax. Of course, his figure also improved step by step. As a result, another group … Read more

Understanding Immunity: How Acupuncture Can Help Strengthen Your Body’s Defense System

The hot summer is hot, the sun is shining, and everything grows, even bacteria and viruses are extremely active. If one is not careful, it is easy to be provoked by external infections, and Dona is one of them. Dona is a sick child. Whenever the seasons change or when the temperature varies greatly, she … Read more