Dengue Fever Deaths Rise in Jombang: 7 Year Old Girl Among 6 Victims

Dengue Fever Deaths Rise in Jombang: 7 Year Old Girl Among 6 Victims

Jombang – Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DBD) victims who died in Jombang have increased again. Most recently, a 7 year old girl died while being treated at Jombang Regional Hospital. A total of 6 people have died from dengue fever this month in Jombang. Director of Jombang Regional Hospital, Dr Ma’murotus Sa’diyah, explained that the girl … Read more

This is the hidden room at the Jombang Shiddiqiyyah Islamic Boarding School belonging to Mas Bechi, it makes you gawk

This is the hidden room at the Jombang Shiddiqiyyah Islamic Boarding School belonging to Mas Bechi, it makes you gawk

Saturday, 09 July 2022 – 19:52 WIB – Head of Public Relations of the East Java Police, Kombes Dirmanto. Photo: Arry Saputra/, JOMBANG – The Shiddiqiyyah Ploso Islamic Boarding School (Ponpes) in Jombang Regency, East Java turns out to have many secret rooms. The room was found by the police while looking for MSAT … Read more

Because of the Mas Bechi case, the secret room at the Jombang Shiddiqiyyah Islamic Boarding School was exposed, it turns out

Because of the Mas Bechi case, the secret room at the Jombang Shiddiqiyyah Islamic Boarding School was exposed, it turns out

Saturday, 09 July 2022 – 16:29 WIB – Police stand guard in front of the gate of the Shiddiqiyyah Ploso Islamic Boarding School in front of the Ashiddiqiyah Islamic Boarding School in an attempt to arrest Moch Subchi Azal Tsani (MSAT) alias Mas Bechi in Jombang, East Java, Thursday (7/7/2022). Photo: ANTARA/Syaiful Arif, JOMBANG … Read more

The Total Victims of Mas Bechi’s Depravity, the Son of Kiai Jombang, are So Serious

The Total Victims of Mas Bechi’s Depravity, the Son of Kiai Jombang, are So Serious

Saturday, 09 July 2022 – 15:00 WIB – Mas Bechi, a suspect in the sexual abuse of female students wearing prison clothes at the Medaeng Detention Center. Photo: Public Relations of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of East Java., JAKARTA – The National Police have arrested Moch Subchi Al Tsani (MSAT) alias … Read more

Kiai Jombang’s son in Medaeng Rutan, Hopefully his fate will not be like Hendra Medan, Horrified

Kiai Jombang’s son in Medaeng Rutan, Hopefully his fate will not be like Hendra Medan, Horrified

Friday, 08 July 2022 – 17:32 WIB – Head of the Class I Detention Center Surabaya in Medaeng Wahyu Hendrajati ensured that Bechi was treated the same as other detainees. Photo: Ardini Pramitha/, SURABAYA – Mochamad Subchi Azal Tsani (MSAT) alias Bechi, a suspect in the sexual abuse case against female students, surrendered on … Read more

The Seconds of Bechi, the Son of Kiai Jombang, Surrendered, Turns Out To Be Hiding Here

The Seconds of Bechi, the Son of Kiai Jombang, Surrendered, Turns Out To Be Hiding Here

Friday, 08 July 2022 – 01:13 WIB – Jombang Police Chief AKBP Moh Nurhidayat during a dialogue with Kiai Muchtar Mu’thi, the father of MSAT alias Mas Bechi, the suspect in the sexual abuse case against female students. Photo: Screenshot of the video circulating in the WA group, JOMBANG – The suspect in the … Read more

Bechi Sympathizer Suspect of Sexual Abuse of Santriwati in Jombang Comes from Out of City

Bechi Sympathizer Suspect of Sexual Abuse of Santriwati in Jombang Comes from Out of City

Thursday, 07 July 2022 – 23:06 WIB – Hundreds of police deployed by the East Java Police and the Jombang Police are looking for the suspect in the sexual abuse of female students, Mas Bechi. Police illustration photo. Ricardo/, JOMBANG – The Joint Team of the East Java Police and the Jombang Police arrested … Read more