Getting to know Hypertension, the ‘Silent Killer’ of the late Markis Kido

Jakarta – 2008 Olympic gold medalist Markis Kido died, presumably of a heart attack. The 36-year-old badminton player is also known to have hypertension. Allegations related to heart problems were conveyed by the Secretary of the Ministry of Youth and Sports (Sesmenpora) Gatot S Dewa Broto who said Markis fell while playing badminton. “It’s true, … Read more

These 12 Foods That Can Lower High Blood Pressure

loading… JAKARTA – Hypertension or high blood pressure is a dangerous disease. Hypertension has become a lifestyle disease that can cause various health complications. So, do not ignore this disease and immediately check your health. Ignoring this condition can lead to major problems, including triggering heart attacks and strokes. Also Read: Still lagging behind, China … Read more

You don’t need to take medicine, is it true that eating enough fruit can overcome hypertension? – Foods high in salt can be a big trigger for increased blood pressure. In the community, various types of food are circulated which are believed to reduce blood pressure, especially for people with sufferers hypertension. Call it bananas, broccoli and beets. But is it true that fruits can reduce hypertension? Chairman of the … Read more

Not Aware of Hypertension, If You Don’t Take Medication, Your Organs Will Get More Damaged – Hypertension or high blood pressure is often not realized by a person because there are no specific symptoms that are felt. A person may just find out that he has hypertension after complications or organ damage. Hypertension is called the silent killer because it often occurs without complaints, so that the sufferer does … Read more

Beware, Snoring Sleep is a Sign of Hypertension Problems! – Snoring while sleeping may be considered commonplace. Even though this condition can show or be an early sign of a certain disease. One of them hypertension. Heart and blood vessel specialist dr. Susetyo Atmojo said that medically, snoring is also called a condition obstructive sleep apnea. “We call it a medical condition obstructive … Read more

Diagnosis of Hypertension Cannot Only Be With One Blood Pressure Measurement – Don’t panic when blood pressure suddenly high, because you may not necessarily be sick hypertension. Heart and blood vessel specialist dr. Susetyo Atmojo Sp.JP. said that the diagnosis of hypertension cannot be made in just one blood pressure measurement. “Ideally, two to three visits (to health care facilities) should be made at intervals … Read more

7 Essential Oils To Help Lower High Blood Pressure Naturally – All Pages

Freepik – Several types of natural essential oils can lower blood pressure. – – Hypertension or high blood pressure should not be ignored and left unchecked. Doing this can increase the risk of many serious health conditions including strokes and heart attacks. However, it can be controlled effectively with a few small changes in … Read more

Made from natural ingredients, here are 5 hypertension drugs

KONTAN.CO.ID – Hypertension or high blood pressure disease you need to deal with properly. You don’t need to worry because there are many hypertension drugs that can be selected. Not only drugs sold in pharmacies, some natural ingredients are also effective in stabilizing your blood pressure. There are many problems that can arise if high … Read more

Be Careful! Hypertension Can Cause Heart Disease, Stroke and Kidney Failure

Illustration. Photo: Antara, JAKARTA – Chairman of the Indonesian Hypertension Doctors Association Erwinanto said that uncontrolled hypertension sufferers will be the sole contributor to heart disease, stroke and kidney failure. “Every 20/10 mm / Hg increase in blood, will increase the risk of coronary heart disease twice as high,” he said at a virtual … Read more