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You don’t need to take medicine, is it true that eating enough fruit can overcome hypertension?

Suara.com – Foods high in salt can be a big trigger for increased blood pressure. In the community, various types of food are circulated which are believed to reduce blood pressure, especially for people with sufferers hypertension. Call it bananas, broccoli and beets.

But is it true that fruits can reduce hypertension? Chairman of the Central Board of the Indonesian Cardiovascular Specialist Association Dr. dr. Isman Firdaus, Sp.JP., said that the understanding is not always wrong but it does not mean that hypertension can be cured by consuming these food sources.

“Actually, in principle, fruits and vegetables are good. So like bananas relax muscles, beets contain nitrates. But it’s different from measured drugs. So it’s not for treating, but fruit and vegetables are healthy eating patterns that can provide fitness,” he explained in a live broadcast of the Health Ministry’s Health Radio, Monday (24/5/2021).

Pressure high blood pressure, hypertension (Pixabay / McRonny)

Regularly eating these types of foods can indeed reduce the risk of increasing blood pressure. But for people who have been diagnosed with hypertension, their blood pressure is over 160, doctor Isman said, they cannot just rely on the consumption of healthy vegetables and fruits.

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“But it is necessary with drugs,” he explained.

In the early stages, hypertensive patients will usually be given control of high blood pressure to consume for 5 to 10 years. However, the consumption of these drugs must also be balanced with a healthy diet. If not, then the risk of increasing blood pressure can still occur.

“If the blood pressure is optimal, exercise is also okay, the diet is also low in salt, at that time it will also cause blood pressure to stabilize and within 2 to 3 years the dosage of the medicine can be reduced if the blood pressure has stabilized below 120. But it still has to be tested every time. once a month. If you have time to increase again, you have to start again from the beginning, “he said.

Because physical activity and exercise can increase blood pressure, doctor Isman recommends that hypertensive patients do aerobic exercise. This means that it is done continuously at one time and without stopping. Before exercising, hypertensive patients are also advised to measure blood pressure first.

“Can exercise for those with hypertension is actually important. The condition is that blood pressure must be stable first. So before tension exercise, if it is below 140, it is best to do aerobics because it doesn’t stop for at least 30 minutes per day. For example, walking, cycling, “he concluded.

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