The British authorities announce that the new strain of Corona virus “has gone out of control” and several countries are suspending their flights from the Kingdom

Posted in: 20/12/2020 – 13:51 – British Health Minister Matt Hancock said Sunday that the new strain of Corona virus that Prime Minister Boris Johnson previously talked about “has gone out of control.” The minister explained that quarantine procedures are the only way to control the situation. The Netherlands, Belgium and Kuwait have suspended flights … Read more

Saudi Health: Provide Corona vaccine to all citizens and residents free of charge

The Saudi Ministry of Health announced that the Corona vaccine will be provided to all citizens and residents for free, according to an urgent news broadcast by Al-Arabiya TV a short while ago. Earlier, the Saudi Assistant Minister of Health, Dr. Muhammad Al-Abd Al-Aali, confirmed that any vaccine must be safe, effective and approved by … Read more

“Closer than anyone imagines,” Washington announces the date of the start of the Corona vaccination

<div id="firstBodyDiv" data-bind-html-content-type="article" data-bind-html-compile="article.body" data-first-article-body=" The head of the team in charge of developing Corona Vaccine, Moncef El-Slaoui to the network "CNN", If "Our plan is to be able to send vaccines to the vaccination sites within 24 hours of the date of approval" The US Food and Drug Administration on them. و .ضاف "Therefore, … Read more

Matuš is shocked again: Child for TROJKA with a man ?!

It was not enough for him that the nation shocked by fertilizing seventeen-year-old Lucinka, whom he had long claimed to be just his friend. Now Bohuš Matuš (47) cut off the people by saying about the conditions under which they will fertilize Lucinka again. – You just can’t see this! Bohuš Matuš he revealed the … Read more

When will the Pfizer vaccine be ready for use? Experts set the date

<div id="firstBodyDiv" data-bind-html-content-type="article" data-bind-html-compile="article.body" data-first-article-body=" This announcement raised questions about when this might be ready The vaccineEspecially since the start of impregnation of people will herald the return to normal life, albeit gradually. According to what was quoted "CNN" For officials and health experts, the vaccine announced "Pfizer" And he received a huge welcome, and … Read more

Advisor to the President for Health: The state has secured vaccines for Corona, sufficient for 20% of the population

Dr. Mohamed Awad Taj al-Din, the president’s advisor for health and prevention affairs, said that international institutions will grant countries of the world certain percentages of the Coronavirus vaccine if it is produced, indicating that Egypt has secured doses of the vaccine that are sufficient for 20% of the population, explaining in a phone call … Read more

The President’s Health Adviser: Egypt has signed a guaranteed share of the Corona vaccine, and we may double it

Dr. Muhammad Awad Tajuddin, Advisor to the President of the Republic for Health Affairs, confirmed that the Pfizer vaccine for Coronavirus was made in Germany and is one of the vaccines from the third stage in clinical trials, saying: “We have not seen a scientific paper or scientific research in one of the practical journals … Read more

Discovering cases of Coronavirus infection among volunteers in Russian vaccine trials

A Time Now News report revealed that there were cases of infection among volunteers in trials of the Russian Sputnik V vaccine, which is the first recorded vaccine in the world against the Covid-19 virus, according to a senior official in the Russian vaccine developer. According to the report, this is the reason why the … Read more

Johnson & Johnson “to resume testing of Corona vaccine

Last updated: Saturday 7 Rabi` al-Awwal 1442 AH – October 24, 2020 KSA 09:48 – GMT 06:48 Publication date: Saturday 7 Rabi` al-Awwal 1442 AH – October 24, 2020 KSA 09:21 – GMT 06:21 Source: Dubai – – Johnson & Johnson announced that it will resume registering US participants in the final stage of … Read more

The specter of the “double epidemic” … Why should the flu vaccine be taken immediately?

<div id="firstBodyDiv" data-bind-html-content-type="article" data-bind-html-compile="article.body" data-first-article-body=" According to the newspaper "Financial Times"Efforts are being made in the medical community to ramp up vaccination, the goal being to avoid coincidence "Two pandemics" And the two respiratory diseases at the same time. Health experts fear injuries will result With seasonal flu In the winter to confuse anti-Corona efforts … Read more