Refugees in Morocco: When Corona steals alms herself

Worldwide, the corona pandemic has hit hardest people struggling with poverty. Refugees in Morocco too. Fear grows among them that it is not the virus but its consequences that could become the greatest danger. By Dunja Sadaqi, ARD Studio Northwest Africa People stand at large distances from each other in front of a bakery in … Read more

Coronavirus: coalition wants to increase short-time benefits

The party leaders have struggled for a long time, but ultimately the coalition committee agreed in the evening on an increase in short-time benefits. In addition, the VAT for hotels and restaurants is to be reduced for a limited period. The heads of the Union and the SPD want to raise short-time work benefits for … Read more

Ramadan in Egypt: fasting despite Corona

Do not eat anything all day, for four weeks – in the middle of the corona pandemic? This is exactly what most Muslims in Egypt want to do. They have the blessings of the highest religious institutions. By Björn Blaschke, ARD studio Cairo Sugar, tea, rice, dried beans – the shopping cart that Fatma is … Read more

Tourism and Corona crisis: “That would not be responsible”

Goodbye summer vacation or what is possible? Foreign Minister Maas dampens hopes of a quick return of tourism. There will be no full beach bars. Minister Müller sees the vacation opportunities somewhat more optimistically. Federal Foreign Minister Heiko Maas has rejected hopes of a normal summer vacation without restrictions. “There will be no normal vacation … Read more

Coronavirus: Trump wants to reopen the USA in three phases

US President Trump has presented a roadmap for how the states can start relaxing the corona restrictions as of tomorrow. This should happen in three phases – and the decision would be up to the governors. US President Donald Trump wants to use three new phases to guide the United States back to normality in … Read more

Israel: Government Formation Failed Again

The extension of the deadline also did not bring a breakthrough: The negotiations between opposition candidate Gantz and Prime Minister Netanyahu to form a coalition failed again for the time being. Now it is Parliament’s turn. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and opposition candidate Benny Gantz have failed again to form a government. They let … Read more

EU finance ministers agree: 500 billion against the corona crisis

After long and difficult negotiations, there is now a common European answer to the Corona economic crisis. Half a trillion euros are available. The debate over euro bonds should not be over. In the fight against the corona economic crisis, the EU countries have put together an aid package of more than 500 billion euros … Read more

Sebastian Kurz in ZIB 2: “100,000 dead if …” – News

In the ZIB2 interview with Armin Wolf, Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz repeated his appeal to the population to hold out and to celebrate Easter in a narrow circle. Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) joined Armin Wolf in the ZIB2 studio on Monday. In conversation with the ORF anchorman, the chancellor presented the road map for the … Read more

Trump’s Corona Crisis Plans: “Send a Mass of Military Force”

The corona virus continues to spread rapidly in the United States. President Trump now wants to deploy thousands of military personnel to fight the epidemic. To support the economy, he is considering introducing tariffs. US President Donald Trump plans to send thousands of military personnel to help fight the coronavirus epidemic. “We will send a … Read more

European crisis aid: three-pillar model as a compromise?

The pandemic threatens to plunge many EU countries into recession – finance ministers are trying to counteract this. After a violent dispute over corona bonds, an approximation seems possible. Finance Minister Scholz presented a three-pillar strategy. Despite the bitter dispute over the corona bonds, a first compromise on European financial aid in the corona crisis … Read more