Colorful autumn in Munich | ABC News

Colorful autumn in Munich |  ABC News

– In the absence of the Oktoberfest festival, inn and pub hosts in Munich come together for the second year in a row and arrange « WirtshausWiesn»Between 18 September and 3 October, the German National Tourist Office (DZT) writes in a press release. In 51 inns, beer gardens and pubs you can experience the traditional … Read more

They want Katsarov’s resignation because of the recommendation not to travel to neighboring countries

They want Katsarov’s resignation because of the recommendation not to travel to neighboring countries

– – Stoycho Katsarov – Association “Future for Tourism” / OBT / wants the resignation of the Minister of Health Dr. Stoycho Katsarov, the organization announced. “The recommendation not to travel to Turkey, Greece and Cyprus – the main summer destinations chosen as if at random, led to chaos, mistrust and an outflow of tourists … Read more

Direct flights from Canada return to Sinaloa | Tourism | News | TVP

Direct flights from Canada return to Sinaloa |  Tourism |  News |  TVP

Confirm to Sinaloa the Return Of eight direct flights on Destinations from Canada. Oscar Pérez Barros, State Secretary of Tourism He pointed out that the expectation is that they will be reactivated as of October in the midst of this new normal. You may also like Before the summer of new normality they will promote … Read more

Explore New York State Caverns

Explore New York State Caverns

Photo David Riendeau, special collaboration For 6 million years, water has carved the thick layer of limestone beneath its green hills, creating the largest underground in the northeast of the country: the Howe Caverns. – David RiendeauTHE PRESS Posted on July 15, 2017 at 8:00 a.m. – – – “Watch out for your head,” Jim … Read more

New York in the days of bargains | Press

New York in the days of bargains |  Press

PHOTO ARCHIVES GETTY IMAGES Access to the Empire State Building observatory is also covered by the NYC Must-See Week offer. – STEPHANIE MORINTHE PRESS Posted on January 22, 2019 at 8:00 a.m. – – – The first desires of New York escape usually appear with the approach of the long spring weekends. Yet it’s in … Read more

New York: opening at the end of May of the new World Trade Center observatory

New York: opening at the end of May of the new World Trade Center observatory

Photo Brendan McDermid, AFP Admission will cost $ 32 for adults, $ 30 for seniors, and $ 26 for children. – FRANCE MEDIA AGENCY Posted on April 7, 2015 at 4:25 p.m. – – – The observatory at the iconic tower of New York’s new World Trade Center, One WTC, will open to the public … Read more