Covid-19 about ten times more deadly than flu – naturopathy & naturopathic specialist portal

How dangerous is infection with the new corona virus? Influenza flu viruses infest Germany every year and cause numerous illnesses and deaths. In particularly bad years, the health system is fully utilized as a result. Is the Sars-CoV-2 virus more dangerous compared to influenza? According to the Robert Koch Institute, at least the probability of … Read more

Clinical trials – Ebola drug could also heal corona

Covid-19 (2019-nCoV) February 29, 2020 at 3:22 pm – © coronaNational Institute of Allergy and Infectious DiseasesNational Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases The active ingredient remdesivir was actually developed to combat Ebola. In an experimental treatment of a corona patient in the United States, the drug was also able to quickly reduce the symptoms … Read more

German border region eases coronavirus quarantine policy 1Limburg

The German region of Heinsberg on the Limburg border, between Roermond and Brunssum, moderates quarantine policy immediately. – Not everyone who has come into contact with a person infected with the coronavirus is, as usual, quarantined. Get onOnly people who have fallen ill since then have to quarantine and have themselves tested if necessary. With … Read more

Coronavirus in NRW: Hundreds in quarantine, shopping on your doorstep

Dhe corona virus continues to spread in Germany: In Rhineland-Palatinate, Baden-Württemberg and North Rhine-Westphalia, a total of ten people have tested positive for the virus. Against the background of the new cases, it is “questionable” whether the previous strategy of the authorities – that is, to limit the virus and interrupt the infection chains, said … Read more

Corona virus in Germany: ten new infections within 24 hours

DThe coronavirus is spreading further in Germany: In Rhineland-Palatinate, the novel coronavirus has been found in one patient for the first time. The Bundeswehr announced on Wednesday that it was a soldier who was being treated in the Bundeswehr central hospital in Koblenz. According to the Bundeswehr, the 41-year-old had contact with a seriously ill … Read more

“Health” reveals 7 ways to protect from infection with the Corona virus

The Ministry of Health and Population has identified 7 important ways to protect against emerging coronavirus infection as part of its plan to prevent any potential infections from being transmitted between people… “ Day 7 “explores 7 ways to protect from emerging coronavirus infection. 1 .. Avoid patients: Avoid close contact with anyone who has … Read more

First case reported in South Tyrol

February 24, 2020 – 10:38 pm – Fighting the corona virus For experts, the corona virus is unstoppable worldwide. More and more countries are affected. And the number of unreported cases should be large. In the video you can find out how it all started and with the live ticker you always stay up … Read more