Boyko Borisov: Cabinet without politicians – we are appointing 20 ministers H

The GERB can form a government with the first term, but it will not be sustainable. In order for there to be no angry people, there should be no talk of any mandate, but a coalition should govern. The party leader commented on this to bTV Boyko Borisov. When asked who the coalition is, he … Read more

GERB with a new candidate for mayor of Plovdiv. IN…

GERB will have a new candidate for Plovdiv mayor in next year’s local elections. This was announced a few minutes ago by the party leader, Boyko Borisov, during the inspection of the College. It will probably be the current mayor of the Trakia region, Kostadin Dimitrov, whom Boyko praised in front of the fans gathered … Read more

There were people in PP who were hungry for power, but were afraid of getting burned with the mafia parties

If we only came to power for positions and favors, we would have done so already, but we have already seen it once and burned with parties dependent on the mafia. This was stated by the parliamentarian of “Let’s continue the change” Alexander Dunchev at BNT. He explained it The GERB accepted the proposal of … Read more

Boyko Borisov arrives in Plovdiv urgently: he puts out the fire with samples …

GERB leader Boyko Borisov is planning an urgent visit to Plovdiv to put out the fire around the breach near the Water Palace, lit by the local party structure. Due to the project, the mayor of Plovdiv, Zdravko Dimitrov, was subjected to frontal friendly fire from his party comrades for several weeks. The shooting was … Read more

NS is discovered without Mitrofanova. GERB wanted a Zelensky address

Thursday the majority of the parties in parliament decided on the ambassadors of Russia and Belarus not to be invited to the official opening ceremony of the 48th National Assembly. Immediately afterwards, GERB upped the ante and suggested extending the invitation to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to give a video speech. The GERB proposal has … Read more

“It will bring people down to the street.” Hristo Ivanov refused an alliance with GERB and DPS

The co-chair of “Democratic Bulgaria” Hristo Ivanov refused the possibility of participating in a government with GERB and DPS, as did the leaders of “Let’s continue the change” Kiril Petkov and Asen Vassilev. Boyko Borsov’s party has not yet commented on the results of the vote they won and their intentions. “Governance with GERB and … Read more

Borisov did not promise any revenge, Petkov declared a coalition with the Bulgarian people

The leader of GERB Boyko Borisov he commented after the vote on Sunday at noon that “this chaos and racketeering that is being imposed on the Bulgarians must stop”. According to him, the parties must understand each other and there should be a government. “If politicians continue to be guided by their egos and do … Read more

Activate the debate on bTV: Kiril Petkov in place of Venko Sabrutev, GERB on the left

A debate in an unprecedented situation. For an hour and a half on bTV, key political players had the opportunity to present their ideas for governance after Sunday’s elections. The defense of the platforms began with a surprise. Without warning and in violation of the rules for the great debate agreed with all participants, “Let’s … Read more

Kiril Petkov threatened to take Borisov to court. The leader of the GERB compared him to the aggressor Putin

The European Parliament will discuss on Wednesday the case of the arrest of the president of the GERB and the former prime minister Boyko Borisov in March of this year, and the former prime minister and leader of “Let’s continue the change” Kiril Petkov saw in this “a desperate move by Borisov to use the … Read more