Home » today » Health » Ministry of Health and Novo Nordisk Screen 118,521 West Java Residents for Diabetes

Ministry of Health and Novo Nordisk Screen 118,521 West Java Residents for Diabetes

The Ministry of Health together with Novo Nordisk screened 118 thousand West Java residents for diabetes. Diabetes illustration. Photo: Between

jpnn.com, JAKARTA – Ministry of Health (Ministry of Health) in collaboration with the West Java Health Office, the Indonesian Endocrinology Association (PERKENI), and Novo Nordisk Indonesia conducted a screening diabetes against 118,521 West Java residents in the period September 2022 – June 2023.

Acting Head of the West Java Provincial Health Office Vini Adiani Dewi said the screening results found that five percent of the number of residents who were screened had diabetes.

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The diabetes screening was carried out in 46 primary health facilities in West Java.

“We are pleased to report that between September 2022 and June 2023, the pilot project Affordability Project has successfully screened 118,521 individuals for diabetes. We noted that five percent of them had diabetes, reflecting a higher prevalence compared to the 2018 Riskesdas data,” said Vini in a written statement, Friday (18/8).

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Director of Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases of the Indonesian Ministry of Health Eva Susanti added that the prevalence of diabetes which continues to increase in Indonesia requires comprehensive action.

Prevention efforts, continued Eva, are very important to reduce the adverse effects of diabetes.

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“The Affordability Project has provided a clear example of how cooperation between the public and private sectors can make a significant contribution in overcoming public health problems. This kind of partnership model has the potential to be adopted in various disease prevention and control initiatives,” said Eva.

Meanwhile, Vice President & General Manager of Novo Nordisk Indonesia Sreerekha Sreenivasan said it was very honored to be able to collaborate with all stakeholders to create a sustainable impact on the lives of people living with diabetes in Indonesia.

“As Novo Nordisk celebrates 100 years this year, we feel it is important to recognize that we grew from developing diabetes care. For a century, we have driven change in diabetes treatment, and this project (Affordability Project) is a form of our commitment to make a real difference in the lives of those in need,” said Sreerekha. (cr1/jpnn)

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Editor : Rah Mahatma Sakti
Reporter : Dean Pahrevi

2023-08-18 21:03:00
#Ministry #Health #Novo #Nordisk #Diabetic #Screening #Thousand #West #Java #Residents #Results #JPNN.com

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