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How to Improve Intestinal Health to Prevent Inflammatory Skin Diseases and Mood Disorders

Abnormal signs occur when the intestinal microbial environment deteriorates.

Posted 2024.02.14 10:31 Posted 2024.02.14 10:31 Modified 2024.02.14 08:12 Views 19 When intestinal health deteriorates, inflammatory skin diseases can occur frequently. [사진=클립아트코리아]

Numerous microorganisms live in the intestines. If this ecosystem is not in harmony, you will feel sick to your stomach. You may also experience gas or diarrhea. There are also unexpected symptoms that are difficult to associate with the health of the intestines. What are the symptoms? What is the way to deal with it? We looked into this based on data from Everyday Health, an American health information media outlet.

Inflammatory skin diseases never end=Foods high in saturated fat and refined sugar distort the intestinal ecosystem. As a result, your immune system cannot function properly and you are more likely to suffer from inflammatory skin diseases such as eczema, psoriasis, dandruff, and acne. You should eat enough fruits and vegetables. It is better to consume protein through fish instead of red meat. It is also important to avoid processed foods.

I really want to eat something sweet=If you are strangely attracted to sweet things… . It is highly likely that the balance of the intestinal ecosystem has been disrupted and bad bacteria have gained the upper hand. To control your addiction to sugar, you have to slowly reduce the amount. Drink herbal tea or lemon water instead of sugary drinks. When you crave candy or chocolate, it is best to eat dark chocolate with a cacao content of 70% or more.

My weight keeps increasing=Gut bacteria affect calorie intake and energy expenditure. Studies have shown that overweight people usually have a less diverse gut ecosystem. The rate of harmful bacteria is also high. There is also research showing that obesity can be determined by analyzing the composition of the intestinal ecosystem. In this case, you should eat fruits and vegetables rich in fiber. A diet rich in legumes and whole grains also helps keep the intestines healthy.

depressed and anxious=Microorganisms living in the intestines communicate with the nervous, endocrine, and immune systems. As a result, it affects your mood. To manage depression and anxiety, it is best to follow a Mediterranean diet. In other words, you should eat a variety of foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as fish, fresh fruits, vegetables, seaweed, and nuts. One option is to take a probiotic supplement.

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2024-02-14 01:32:44

#surprising #signs #gut #health #deteriorating

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