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German drove almost 2 million kilometers with Tesla, changed 13 motors and 3 batteries (Video)

A German driver from Karlsruhe has already driven almost 2 million kilometers with his Tesla Model S. He wants to prove that e-mobility is suitable for everyday use.

Hansjorg Von Gemmingen drives an electric car out of environmental convictions. The 60-year-old German is very often behind the wheel. His Tesla Model S, manufactured in 2013, has already traveled more than 1.9 million kilometers. He buys the car second-hand with several tens of thousands of kilometers traveled.

On average, the German travels about 600 kilometers per day. Often on the highway, but rarely more than 120 km/h. He doesn’t drive for his job because the ex-farmer has enough money to never have to work again. “I don’t really do anything but drive. It’s my hobby,” says the German.

The first Model S battery lasted 402,000 kilometers, the second 670,000 and the third 505,000. Now his Tesla has gone 150,000 kilometers on its fourth battery. Only 8 percent of this battery’s original range has been used up so far, so it’s likely to last a long time.

It turns out that the Model S’s weak point isn’t the batteries, but the electric motors. Von Gemmingen has replaced 13 electric motors so far. Although Tesla replaced all the defective engines for free, the German complains that the company never discloses what problems they had and still have the engines of this model.

A new set of tires is installed every 50,000 kilometers. He doesn’t know how much the adventure has cost him so far. The German receives free electricity through the so-called Supercharger stations of the American manufacturer, as one of the first customers of the brand.

Von Gemmingen’s next goal is to break the all-time single-car record. For now, it is held by the now deceased American Irv Gordon. He covers a total of 5.2 million kilometers with his Volvo P1800.

2023-12-06 19:00:00
#German #drove #million #kilometers #Tesla #changed #motors #batteries #Video

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