Argentina abstained in the OAS from voting on sentences against the government of Nicolás Maduro

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro Credit: DPA The Organization of American States (OAS) passed a resolution to condemn the decisions of Venezuela’s Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) to suspend the directives of two opposition parties to replace them with leaders accused of being related to the government of Nicolás Maduro. The resolution was approved this Friday … Read more

Conscious Corona Still Becomes a Real Threat, Starbucks Employees Firmly Reject Customers Who Don’t Wear Masks, Scolded to Nearly Neutralized, In fact Even Get Rp. 397 Million Tip Money

Gridhot.ID – Enter time New Normal does not mean corona just disappeared. People are already allowed to do activities but still must comply with the health protocols applied. One of the things that appears to be strict with these rules is barista this one. Read Also: Although Abundant Wealth After Starring a Myriad of Adult … Read more

Mexico City police chief survives attack and blames powerful cartel | Latin America

The armored car in which the Mexico City police chief and his bodyguards followed was attacked in one of the capital’s wealthy neighborhoods: another car blocked his way, while a group of men with heavy caliber weapons fired. Another police car arrived quickly, but the attackers managed to escape, leaving behind the bullet-ridden armored vehicle. … Read more

Over 10 million cases detected worldwide

More than 10 million cases of the new coronavirus have been officially recorded worldwide, more than half of them in Europe and the United States, according to a count made by AFP from official sources on Sunday at 11:30 am (Swiss time) . At least 10,003,942 cases, including 498,779 deaths, have been recorded, especially in … Read more