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Baba Vanga’s Terrifying Predictions for 2024 and Past Accurate Prophecies

The Bulgarian prophetess Baba Vanga, who predicted the unfortunate September 11 and the Covid-19 pandemic, makes terrifying predictions for 2024 as well.

She died in 1996 and became popular as the Balkan Nostradamus, as many of her predictions turned out to be true. She makes ones for every year up to 5079.

According to her, 2024 will bring many dark events, including terrorist attacks in Europe, a major economic crisis and biological attacks, as well as an attempt to assassinate Vladimir Putin, reports “Daily Mail”.

The only positive prophecy prediction for the year, according to Sky History, is an increase in medical breakthroughs.

Here are some of her previous predictions that have come true over the years:

Droughts and floods in 2022

The clairvoyant warns that in 2022 major cities will face drought due to high temperatures, which turns out to be true.

Last year was England’s driest July since 1935. The heat and little rainfall also led to the depletion of some of Britain’s reservoirs.

Other countries such as Italy, France and Portugal also faced record droughts and wildfires.

Another of her predictions for 2022 states that Australia and Asia will be affected by major floods. It happened again and in March last year Australia declared a state of emergency because of the incoming water.


Perhaps her most telling prediction is the 9/11 disaster. In 1989 she warned that “American brothers will fall after being attacked by the steel birds” and it happened in 2001.

The Covid-19 pandemic

The prophetess predicted the Covid-19 epidemic as far back as 1966 – she is said to have warned “The crown will be upon us all”.

Neshka Robeva, who met Vanga, points out that the clairvoyant shared her prediction with her before she died. According to her, at the time she did not realize what this meant at all, reports the Daily Star.

Your own death

Baba Vanga even predicted her own death, predicting that she would die on August 11, 1996 at the age of 85.

The Bulgarian clairvoyant died of breast cancer, and her funeral gathered many people.

The devastating tsunami of 2004

It is also widely reported that the mystic correctly predicted the devastating Boxing Day tsunami in 2004.

The disaster brought devastation to Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, Thailand and other countries, killing more than 230,000 people.

Baba Vanga’s words on the subject are said to have been: “A huge wave will flood a large coast with people and cities and everything will disappear under the water.”

The Kursk disaster in 2000.

It is believed that the prophetess also predicted the disaster with the submarine “Kursk” in 2000 – one of the most serious maritime disasters in Russia.

The submarine sank 12 months after Vanga claimed the Kursk would be “covered in water” and “the whole world would cry for it”.

Assassination of Indira Gandhi

Indira Gandhi was the third Prime Minister of India. She held the post from 1966 to 1977 and then again in 1980 before being assassinated in 1984.

In 1969, Vanga claimed that “the dress will destroy her. I see an orange-yellow dress in the smoke and fire.”

On October 31, 1984, Gandhi was shot dead by two of her bodyguards, wearing a saffron sari at the time.

The rise of Obama and Trump

Vanga reveals that the 44th president of the United States, Barack Obama, will be the first black person, although he says that he will also be the last, which, however, does not come true.

She also predicted an illness for Trump, which came true when he contracted Covid-19 in October 2020.

Other predictions

There are numerous prophecies that Baba Vanga made, including the Chernobyl disaster in Ukraine in 1986 and the death of Princess Diana in 1997.

However, there are also some predictions that have not come true so far – she predicted a change in the Earth’s orbit and catastrophic solar storms, which so far have not happened.

She also incorrectly predicted that Europe would disappear by 2017 as the continent would become a “wasteland almost completely devoid of human life”.

The only thing that happened that year that can be connected to this prophecy of hers is the exit of Great Britain from the European Union on June 23.

2023-11-27 14:45:00
#Daily #Mail #Vangas #ominous #prophecies #Putin #assassination

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