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Apple Music Spatial Audio Royalty Payment Bonus: Everything You Need to Know!


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Apple will provide Spatial Audio music units! What is the maximum additional royalty payment?

| Su Jiahua | 09-02-2024 16:30 | |

Apple Music’s spatial audio music Spatial Audio has been launched for more than two years. Now Apple has decided to use incentives to encourage more musicians to provide their music in Spatial Audio, which is to pay these music units an additional 10% of the royalties. of.

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Apple announced that the brand will use incentives to encourage more musicians to provide their music in Spatial Audio, and this incentive will be an additional payment of up to 10% of the royalties to these music units, calculated from the royalty income in January. It will be calculated based on the ratio of spatial audio music playback to non-spatial audio music playback. Therefore, musicians provide all songs in spatial audio mode (such as using Dolby Atmos mastering), even if no one listens to the spatial audio music version. Yes, you can get up to 10% of the monetary reward.

Apple also mentioned that these additional royalties can be regarded as both a reward for musicians to provide higher-quality song content, and as compensation for the extra time and effort spent on mixing in Dolby Atmos. Currently, more than 90% of Apple Music users listen to Spatial Audio songs. In the past two years, the total number of Spatial Audio plays has more than doubled, and the number of songs in the collection has also increased by nearly 5,000%.

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Source: 9to5Mac

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