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8 Tips for Getting Rid of the Flu Quickly: Soup, Bananas, and More

In addition to rest and plenty of fluids, proper nutrition is essential to quickly get rid of flu. Therefore, put these foods on your menu. Eight tips to get rid of the flu quickly.

It’s important to note that getting rid of the flu usually takes time and how long it takes for them to feel better can vary from person to person. Here are eight tips that can help you recover faster from the flu. Get well soon!

The Netherlands currently has one flu epidemic. The number of people who go to the doctor with flu-like complaints is above the basic level for the third week in week 5 (Jan 29-Feb 4). A lot of flu virus (influenza virus) is found in samples taken from some of these people. Influenza viruses are also often found in other surveillance sources (infection radar and laboratories). The flu epidemic, which started in week 3 (15-21 January) has now lasted 3 weeks, according to experts from Nivel, Erasmus MC and the RIVM On.

Flu Complaints? Steaming helps

Hot soup

A cup of broth, Chicken soup of verse Vegetable soup: soup is always a big favorite for the flu. That’s not surprising: the heat helps to clear your stuffy nose and soothe your sore throat. It helps prevent dehydration due to diarrhea and you can easily gulp it down without too much energy. The vegetables in the soup immediately provide a vitamin boost.


Bananas are easy to chew, light on the stomach, and contain many good nutrients. For example, bananas contain quite a lot of potassium: about 450 milligrams each. Potassium is a mineral that plays an important role in your fluid balance and is therefore indispensable if you have diarrhea or vomiting. A good choice if you are down with (stomach) flu.

Spicy food

A no-go if you have stomach or intestinal problems, but a good option if you have a stuffy nose. When you have a cold, the mucous membrane swells, causing your nose to become blocked. Eating spicy food will quickly make you sniffle and make it easier to release. This is due to the substance capsaicin, which is also responsible for the spicy taste. Capsaicin allows your blood to flow more easily through your body and makes you… nasal mucosa less sensitive.


Maybe not the food you immediately think of when you have the flu or are sick, but garlic does a lot of good for your body. It has therefore traditionally been used as a medicine. The spice contains allicin, a substance that supports your immune system and is effective against bacteria, such as ‘hospital bacteria’ MRSA. Garlic is also said to promote coughing up stuck mucus, because the substances in garlic have the property of being attracted to the mucous membranes. It would seriously affect you flu symptoms can reduce and shorten its duration.

Food with a lot of starch

Is your stomach upset? Foods high in starch can soothe your stomach and reduce vomiting. For example, think of crackers, rusk or toasted bread. Dip them in the soup
or top them with protein-rich toppings, such as avocadoa boiled egg or cottage cheese.

Nuts and seeds

Experts recommend eating a handful of nuts every day. Even, or actually especially, when you are ill. Nuts and seeds are true nutrient bombs, with much-needed proteins, vitamins, minerals, healthy fats and fiber. They are easy to eat and have a neutral taste, so nice if you are not that hungry. Just eat them straight out of the box, or add them to a bowl of yogurt oatmeal.

Red pepper

Vitamin C is also known as the ‘resistance vitamin’. This stimulates, among other things, the formation of white blood cells that are essential for your immune system. Several studies also show that vitamin C can shorten the duration of your cold or flu; with one whole day, to be precise. The vitamin is found in many fruits and vegetables, but red pepper takes the cake with 190 milligrams of vitamin C per 100 grams. Brussels sprouts, parsley and kiwi also contain a lot of this power vitamin.


Ginger helps against nausea and a sore throat, and is full of good substances that give your immune system an extra boost. It also helps to increase the absorption of vitamins and minerals – which you need extra now. Add the spice fresh to your (green) tea, dinner, soup or smoothie.

›› SUGAR: Eating sugar raises your blood sugar level, after which you quickly feel even more lethargic and tired. Sugar can also cause inflammation in your body and weaken your white blood cells, making your immune system more difficult.
›› HEAVY AND FAT FOOD: Fatty foods take longer to digest, which means they cost your body a lot of energy – even though it is already working so hard. Fat and heavy food can also cause heartburn, upset your intestines and make you feel nauseous more quickly.

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2024-02-11 08:05:32
#Flu #tips #quickly

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