Kapanlagi.com – Now, many activities are closely related to laptops or computers. Starting from the world of work to education, laptops are a fairly important support. Therefore, it is only natural that as a user you know how to see the type of laptop.

By knowing how to see the type of laptop, you can find out its complete specifications, such as RAM, internal memory, processor, and operating system used. Knowledge of these components can help you determine how to choose the appropriate supporting components so that the workings are maximized.

However, you don’t need to worry if you don’t know it yet. There are several ways to see laptop type and specifications quite easily. It only takes a few seconds to access the information on your laptop. Well, to try it, just look at the following explanations.

1. How to see the type of laptop in the information system

You can find the “System Information” menu or system information by clicking the “Windows” icon on your laptop. This menu can be one way to see the type of your laptop. To find out the steps, just look at the following explanation.

– First, please click the “Start” button or the “Windows” icon located at the bottom left.

– Then write “System Information” in the search field.

– If the “System Summary” menu appears, click it immediately.

– Next, a display of information about the laptop you are using will appear.

2. How to View Laptop Type in PowerShell


You can apply this method to see the type of laptop in PowerShell on Windows 8 and 10. Please refer to the following steps to find out what type of laptop you are using.

– Please click “Start” on your laptop.

– Next, type “PowerShell” in the search field.

– After finding “PowerShell”, please enter the command ‘Get-CimInstance-ClassName Win32_ComputerSystem’ and press enter.

Information about your laptop type will also be opened.

– However, if the command doesn’t work, you can enter the command ‘Get-CimInstance-ClassName Win32_bios’.

– Next, you can also see other specifications, please enter the command ‘Get-ComputerInfo’, then press Enter.

3. How to View Laptop Type in CMD


Through this Command Prompt, you can see the type and specifications of the laptop that is being used. Not much different from how to see the type of laptop in PowerShell, you also need to enter a special command. If you are curious about the process, please refer to the following steps.

– First, please search for Command Prompt in the search field by clicking “Start” or the “Windows” icon at the bottom left.

– Next, Please right click and select “Run as administrator”.

– Enter the command ‘wmic csproduct get name’, then press Enter.

– However, if the command doesn’t work, you can try another command, namely ‘wmic csproduct get name, identifyingnumber’.

– Next, if you want to see the full specifications please enter the command ‘systeminfo’.

4. How to See DxDiag Laptop Type


You can also do how to see the type of laptop with DxDiag. This method also allows you to find out other specifications on the laptop you are using. Immediately, see the explanation of the following steps.

– The first step, please open RUN by pressing ‘Windows+R’ together on your keyboard.

– Next, enter the word dxdiag in the ‘open’ field and click ‘OK’.

– Various information about the specifications of your computer will also be displayed.

– In the system version, you can see the specifications on windows either 64 or 32 bit.

5. How to see the type of laptop through the specifications


In addition to going through several ways to see the type of laptop above, you can also take steps by checking the specifications. Here is a selection of methods that you can apply.

5. Settings

– The first step, please open ‘Settings’ (Settings).

– Continue, click ‘System’, then select ‘About’.

– You can wait a while and the laptop specifications will be displayed.

– In this display, you can see information in the form of the name of the laptop (usually used for sending Bluetooth), the type of processor, the amount of RAM, version, edition and details about the security system.

6. My Computer

– Please open ‘Windows Explorer’.

– You can also use shortcuts by pressing “Windows+E” on the keyboard.

– Next, right click on the ‘My Computer’ option or on the ‘This PC’ option.

– After that, please click the properties option.

– After that, the information regarding the laptop’s specifications, such as type, speed, RAM size, etc. will be displayed.

7. Via CPU-Z

– To apply this method, you need to download and install CPU-Z first.

– If you have installed CPU Z, immediately open the application and the detailed specification information is immediately displayed.

Information about the CPU, from the name of the processor to the core speed, you can see in detail.

– In addition, you can view information from the mainboard of a computer or laptop by opening the main board column available on CPU-Z.

– Not only that, in the memory type column, you can see the type of memory, while in the SPD tab column, you can see RAM slots and various information about RAM.

– You can find out information about power consumption and the amount of electricity used.

You need to know that this free application is widely used by gamers to customize their laptops.

Well, KLovers, those are some ways to easily and completely see the type of laptop and other specifications. Choose the method according to the information you want to know.

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