Denmark will provide € 22 million in aid to Ukraine in the wake of the conflict with Russia

The assistance is aimed at strengthening Ukraine’s resistance and its capacity to deal with the consequences of the protracted armed conflict in the east of the country. The decision to help was made after the visit of the Danish Foreign Minister Jepes Kofod to the conflict zone in the east of Ukraine, where government soldiers … Read more

From the starting point of the prescription in matters of lending money – Contract and obligations

Judgments concerning the starting point of the prescription are important as their practical scope is considerable. For example, last October, we mentioned in these columns a judgment which specified that the death of the debtor did not automatically lead to the forfeiture of the term of an interest-bearing loan, which had a fundamental impact on … Read more

Gérald Baticle (from Angers) after the draw in Lorient: “I am satisfied with this point”

Gérald Baticle (Angers coach, after the 0-0 draw at Lorient): “I am satisfied with this point. There was mental quality, great solidarity, a gift of self, which allowed us to have defensive solidity. I even have regrets about certain situations, because we played badly. We had a few opportunities that could have allowed us to … Read more