Comparison of PlayStation 5 (PS 5) vs XBox Series X, Here are Prices & Specifications

SPORTALIGA – Sony and Microsoft’s war in the console gaming market continues next week. Gamers can’t wait to try out the machine PlayStation 5 (PS5/PS 5) dan XBox Series X. Sony will launch PS 5 next week on Thursday 12 November 2020, while Microsoft launches the XBox Series X on Tuesday 10 November 2020. Previously, … Read more

Make a Freak! These are 3 facts about Maybank customer money of Rp.22 billion missing

Jakarta – PT Maybank Indonesia Tbk (BNII) is now in the public spotlight. This is because the bank, which has been operating in the country for a long time, is in trouble because its customers have lost Rp 22 billion. This problem has been handled by the Police. In fact, the matter has already named … Read more

TABLE-European course winners and losers of the week

Frankfurt, 06. Nov (Reuters) – Die Hoffnung auf einen Wechsel im Weißen Haus hat dem deutschen Aktienmarkt zur besten Woche seit Juni verholfen. Der Dax gab am Freitag zwar 0,7 Prozent nach auf 12.480,02 Punkte, auf Wochensicht verbleibt damit aber ein Plus von acht Prozent. Im Folgenden eine Übersicht über die größten Gewinner und Verlierer: … Read more

Why are we not allowed to eat meat from the Oostvaardersplassen cattle? | NOW

Hundreds of red deer and dozens of heck cattle have been shot since last Wednesday in the Oostvaardersplassen nature reserve. More than 200 konik horses are caught and slaughtered. The meat of the red deer and konik horses is eventually largely offered for consumption, but that of the heck cattle is destroyed. Why is not … Read more

Two regional gold medals in the competition for the best apprentices in France, near Rouen

Through Normandy editorial staff Published on 6 Nov 20 at 21:16 – –From left to right: Raphaël Delaunay, regional gold medal 2017-2018, member of the jury; Laurent Ternois, energy professor and organizer; Baptiste Daie and William Deguingand, both 2020 gold medalists; M. Mongour, deputy chairman of MAF Seine-Maritime. (© The Bulletin.) Baptiste Daie and William … Read more

Austria will close radical mosques – DELFI

Following the terrorist attack in Vienna Austria the government has decided to close all radical mosques, the Interior Ministry said on Friday. – – Content will continue after the ad Advertising – Two mosques in Vienna, often visited by 20-year-old Albanians, will be closed. “Islamic State“Supporter Kujtim Fejzulais, who staged a shooting in the center … Read more

Brucellosis Outbreak, How Did Thousands of Chinese People Get Infected Together? All pages – Brucellosis, a bacterial disease with flu-like symptoms, has infected more than 6,000 people in one outbreak in northwest China. This disease is usually caused by contact with animals. While the plague brucellosis in Lanzhou, the capital of Gansu province, was caused by a leak at the vaccine factory, according to the Lanzhou health … Read more